How to write Pandas DataFrame as TSV using Python?

In this article, we will discuss how to write pandas dataframe as TSV using Python.

Let’s start by creating a data frame. It can be done by importing an existing file, but for simplicity, we will create our own.


# importing the module
import pandas as pd
# creating some sample data
sample = {'name': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
         'age': [24, 65, 39, 18]}
# creating the DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(sample)
# displaying the DataFrame


  name  age
0    a   24
1    b   65
2    c   39
3    d   18

Now, let’s export this as a TSV file. We can use to_csv method from pandas for this.

Syntax: df.to_csv(” file.tsv”, sep = “”)



# saving as tsv file
df.to_csv('example.tsv', sep="\t")


Here, sep defines what is the separator which separates the data entries in the file. In this case, we define it as a tabspace (‘\t’).  It will create a .csv file by default if the separator is not defined.

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