Continuous Deployment With AWS Elastic Beanstalk And CodePipeline

In the dynamic domain of software development, orchestrating an obvious DevOps technique is fundamental for upgrading cooperation, speeding up delivery, and ensuring the unwavering quality of applications. One significant part of this methodology is Continuous Deployment (CD), a training that automates the most common way of delivering code changes into production environments. This article digs into the incorporation of two strong AWS services, Elastic Beanstalk, and CodePipeline, to lay out a smoothed-out Continuous Deployment work process inside a DevOps pipeline.

As innovation scenes develop, the requirement for fast and solid sending instruments becomes central. AWS Elastic Beanstalk offers an oversaw service that abstracts the intricacies of infrastructure provisioning and works with the consistent sending and scaling of utilizations in different programming languages. Then again, AWS CodePipeline, a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) service, automates the whole software process by coordinating the build, test, and deployment stages.

What Is AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a completely overseen Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) presenting from Amazon Web Services (AWS) that works on the deploying, scaling, and management of utilizations. It abstracts the fundamental infrastructure complexities, permitting developers to zero in on composing code without stressing over the functionalities related with application deployment.

Main Features of AWS Elastic Beanstalk

The following are the main features of AWS Elastic Beanstalk:

  • Multi-language Support: Elastic Beanstalk upholds various programming dialects like Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Python, Ruby, and Go. This flexibility empowers designers to involve their favored language in building applications.
  • Managed Infrastructure: It mechanizes the provisioning and the executives of basic assets, including EC2 cases, Auto Scaling gatherings, load balancers, and that’s just the beginning. This lessens the weight in engineers and activities groups.
  • Simple Application Deployment: Elastic Beanstalk works with clear application sending through different means, including transferring application code directly, interfacing with a version-controlled repository (e.g., Git), or utilizing containerized applications through Docker.
  • Auto Scaling: The platform naturally changes the quantity of EC2 instances in light of traffic demands. This ensures optimal performance and cost efficiency by increasing during top loads and scaling down during times of low traffic.
  • Monitoring And Health Management: Elastic Beanstalk gives worked in observing apparatuses to follow application health, resource utilization, and other key measurements. It can consequently identify and recover from specific kinds of application failures.

CI/CD With AWS CodePipeline

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) are fundamental practices in current software development that enhance collaboration, speed up release cycles, and ensure the unwavering quality of utilizations. AWS CodePipeline is a powerful service that works with the execution of CI/Compact disc work processes, automating the build, test, and deployment periods of software development. We should dig into the vital ideas and steps engaged with setting up a CI/CD pipeline utilizing AWS CodePipeline.

Pipeline: A pipeline in AWS CodePipeline addresses a series of stages and activities that characterize the work process of your CI/CD process. Each stage addresses a phase in the software release lifecycle, like build, fabricate, test, and deploy.

Source Stage: The source stage includes bringing the source code from a form control repository. CodePipeline supports different source suppliers like AWS CodeCommit, GitHub, and Bitbucket. At the point when changes are detected in the source repository, the pipeline is triggered.

Build Stage: In the build stage, the application code is compiled, and conditions are made plans to create deployable artifacts. AWS CodeBuild is a typical service utilized for this reason. The build stage ensure that the codebase is in a deployable state.

Test Stage: The test stage includes executing robotized tests to approve the usefulness and nature of the application. This stage ensures that the code changes meet the predefined rules prior to continuing to deployment.

Deploy Stage: The deploy stage handles the deployment of the application to the target environment. AWS CodeDeploy is a regularly integrated service for overseeing application arrangements to Amazon EC2 instances, AWS Lambda, or other computing service.

Continuous Deployment With AWS Elastic Beanstalk And CodePipeline

Step 1: Create A Deployment Environment

  • Enter the keyword “Elastic Beanstalk” in the search bar and click on the Elastic Beanstalk service to go to the service page.
  • Next, click the Create Application button to create a new Application.

  • For Application name, enter your application name.
  • Select your application language (Python, docker, java, PHP, rubi etc..) from the dropdown menu under Platform and click on next.

  • Defining platform option as shown in the following screenshot:

In next section we have to provide configure to our service access like IAM role, EC2 key pair and Ec2 instance profile.

  • If you have existing IAM role then attach that IAM role to Elastic Beanstalk to assume as a service role or there is an option skip to review click on.

  • In final section review and submit it. Now it take some time to complete.

  • Elastic Beanstalk will begin creating a sample environment for you to deploy your application to.
  • It will create an Amazon EC2 instance, a security group, an Auto Scaling group, an Amazon S3 bucket, Amazon CloudWatch alarms, and a domain name for your application.

  • Now Elastic Beanstalk environment successfully launched. you can see in above figure there is a domain link click on it. You can see welcome page

Step 2: Create Your Pipeline

  • In this step, you will create and configure a simple pipeline with two actions: source and deploy. You will provide CodePipeline with the locations of your source repository and deployment environment.
  • Now search in search bar for AWS CodePipeline console. On the Welcome page, choose Create pipeline.

  • On the Step 1 Choose pipeline settings page:
  • Pipeline name: Enter the name for your pipeline and click on next.
  • Note: After you create a pipeline, you cannot change its name.

  • On the Step 2 Add source stage page:
  • Now select GitHub Version 2 for the Source provider.
  • Choose Connect to GitHub. By this option we can connect with GitHub account

  • when we click on connect to GitHub then appear a popup page. Enter connection name and choose Connect to GitHub.

  • when we click on connect to GitHub then appear a popup page. Then click on Authorize AWS Connector for GitHub.

  • When redirected back to the connection screen, choose Install a new app and click on connect

  • It redirected back to the GitHub page. On the Install AWS Connector for GitHub page, choose Only select repositories and select your repository and click on install

  • Now again redirected back to the Connect to GitHub page, choose Connect. we can see in below figure there is an GitHub id in previously there is no ID in that box
  • Now we are redirected to Codepipeline page. The page will be updated to reflect GitHub is ready to connect in this give your repository name and Branch name also (master, main e.t.c..) . It’s automatically shown in dropdown list.
  • Output artifact format: Select CodePipeline default and click on next

  • On the Step 3: Add build stage, click on skip
  • On the Step 4 :Add deploy stage page
  • In Deploy provider: Select AWS Elastic Beanstalk. After that automatically shown remaining options in dropdown box select region, application name, environment name as shown in below figure

  • In step:5 Review and click on create pipeline.

  • Here we can see either pipeline was created or failure


AWS CodePipeline serves in as a foundation in current software development, empowering organizations to embrace effective and mechanized CI/Disc work processes. The capacity to consistently coordinate with different AWS services, combined with its clear pipeline creation and visualization highlights, makes CodePipeline an integral tool for orchestrating the continuous delivery of applications

All through this conversation, we investigated the vital ideas of AWS CodePipeline, including the thought of pipelines, build stages, build stages, and deploy stages. The visual portrayal of these stages gives a reasonable outline of the whole software release process, improving visibility and transparency for development teams.

By setting up a CI/Cd pipeline with AWS CodePipeline, teams can profit from automation, consistency, quick input loops, and versatility. The constant mix and sending rehearses worked with by CodePipeline add to more limited release cycles, decreased manual intervention, and expanded generally efficiency in the product development lifecycle.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk And CodePipeline – FAQ’s

Could I At Any Point Involve Codepipeline With Applications In Languages Other Than Node.js?

Yes, AWS CodePipeline supports various languages and platforms. You can arrange it for applications created in Java, Python, Ruby and so on.

How Does Elastic Beanstalk Deal With Scaling During Deployment?

Elastic Beanstalk naturally handles limit provisioning and scaling in light of the characterized designs. It ensures a smooth sending without influencing the application’s performance.

Could I At Any Point Move Back An Deployment In Codepipeline?

Yes, CodePipeline allows you to move back to a past form of your application if there should be an occurrence of issues. You can design the pipeline to pause and move back on failure.

Are There Extra Additional Costs Associated With Utilizing Aws Codepipeline And Elastic Beanstalk?

AWS CodePipeline and Elastic Beanstalk might bring about extra costs in view of the resource used, like build minutes in CodeBuild or the provisioned resources in Elastic Beanstalk. Refer to the AWS pricing documentation for details.

Might I At Any Point Coordinate Elastic Beanstalk With Third-party Monitoring Tools?

Yes, Elastic Beanstalk permits mix with different checking devices and logging administrations for inside and out application performance analysis. Refer the AWS documentation for available integrations.

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