Contest Experiences | UNIQUE VISION Programming Contest 2023 Autumn

Programming Contest is becoming popular day by day, and different platform has come forward to allow coders to practice as well as enhance their skills. Among them, AtCoder is also placing an opportunity for the enthusiast coder. On their platform, different types of contests are available such as AHC (AtCoder Heuristic Contest), AGC (AtCoder Grand Contest), ARC (AtCoder Regular Contest), and ABC(AtCoder Beginner Contest).

About the Contest:

  • Contest Date: 07/Oct/2023.
  • Contest Time: 05:30 pm (IST)
  • Duration: 100 minutes
  • Number of Questions: 7
  • Question-wise point values: 100-200-250-425-450-525-650
  • Contest Rule: you get a score assigned to it.
  • Rank Computed: From the total marks of Question- [(the time you spend to get your current score) + (5 minutes) * (the number of incorrect attempts)].

Link of Contest:

Overview of the Challenge:

Problem Name



Approx. Time to solve

Weak Beats


Even position

2-3 min

Round-Robin Tournament



5 min

World Tour Finals


Basic Mathematics


Merge Slimes



7 min





10 min

Push and Carry


Dynamic Programming

15 min

Inversion of Tree


Binary Tree

20 min

Problem 1: Weak Beats

The question is very straightforward, In a given string of fixed length, print yes for every even position if it consists of 0.

Problem 2: Round-Robin Tournament

The question wants you to read the different results of the tournament and give a ranking of the player from best to worst based on their wins.

Problem 3: World Tour Finals

In the given problem, Scores of different players in a partially executed tournament are given. Players need to solve some more question and marks for each question is also given. You need to find out how many more questions each player needs to solve to beat the highest score now.

Problem 4: Merge Slimes

Given, some balls of different sizes and quantities. You need to merge the balls of the same size and finally print the remaining quantity of balls after merging.

Problem 5: Playlist

In the given question, there is a playlist of some songs each song can be played consecutively. You need to find the probability of one song that played after some seconds from time 0.

Problem 6: Push and Carry

In this question, you need to move a cargo from one place to the destination place in a coordinate plane, by following some complex conditions. You need to print the minimum number of moves required to move cargo from one place to another

Problem 7: Inversion of Tree

This is a tough question, the concept of permutation needs to be incorporated with trees. For every value of K, you need to find the number of vertices that satisfy the permutation condition.

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