Contest Experience : GeeksforGeeks Mega Job-A-Thon [05-07-23]

About Contest:

  • This contest consists of 4 parts:
    • 3 DSA coding problems
    • 5 MCQ on programming logic
    • 5 MCQ on logical reasoning
    • 5 MCQ on quantitative aptitude
  • This contest is held to shortlist programmers by specific companies based on their own criteria.
  • Languages supported for the DSA problems were C++, Java, and Python.
  • There was also 5% penalty for each wrong submission.
  • Link of the contest !!

Coding problems:

There was total 3 coding problems, all of them based on DSA.

Overview Table:

Problem Name



Approx. time to solve

Number of Submissions

Magic and Toy shop



5-8 mins


Count beautiful Strings



20- 25 mins

3 (2 TLE)

Maximum good length


Binary Search ,Pre-sum

15- 20 mins


Question 1 : Magic and toy shop


It was an easy problem in which we just have to think about in which index we have to perform the operation first to get most benefit , after some observation we can easily find out the greedy approach will work just fine.

Approach :

  • Calculate the sum of magical_price for all elements.
  • if it is greater than M than it is not possible to buy all the toys so returning -1.
  • Else create a priority queue of in which we store = ‘ price[i] – magical_price[i] ‘
  • It will store the maximum profitable element we can get , at the front after the operation.
  • Calculate the current total price.
  • while our sum of current total price is greater than M we do the following:
    • We increase the operation count.
    • We decrease the current total price by front element and pop that element from queue.
  • Return the operation count.

Result : Accepted!!

Question 2 : Count beautiful Strings


This was a very good problem , Initially my thought was we can always select two strings having same odd characters and merge them it will create a string having all characters with even frequencies , but how should I find out that one odd occurring character ? after some thought I have the idea about:

Brute force Approach [TLE] :

Well I saw the problem and thought of a fairly easy brute force approach which was:

  • find every pair in the string and check weather we can make a beautiful string with the help of them or not.

Obviously it will work but it will surely give us TLE because of constraints.

Optimized Approach :

  • Create a 26 size vector for each string and store the even or odd frequency of the characters , and store it in a map.
  • Initialize the answer variable = 0
  • Traverse through the map and for each time increase the value of answer by:
    • ans = ans + freq*(freq-1)/2 . // taking two vectors of same kind of character appears odd times and create a new string.
      • where freq = number of times that perticular vector occur .
  • Till now we have calculated the strings having all characters even times.
  • Now for “atleast one character is odd” :
  • iterate through all the vectors in map and check for each lowercase alphabet , weather it can be that odd character or not ?
  • if we have already present a vector in map where all other characters parity are same [ odd and even ] only the current characters parity is different then we can make a string by selecting these two strings also so :
    • update the answer by multiplication of those two vectors frequency .
  • return the answer.

Result: TLE … again !! But why ??

Reason: we are searching the vector again and again in the map which causes this problem … now how can we improve it ??

Improved Optimized Approach:

  • In this approach we are doing same thing as above just replacing the vector for each string by a number .
  • Idea :
    • We will traverse in the string and if any character present odd times we will set the i-th bit of that number where i will be index of the character in the English alphabet [ like: a->0 , b->1 ,c->2 … z->25].
    • ex if string is : S = “abc” then our number will be : (111)2 -> 7.
    • now we will store these values in map and do the operation just like above and we will save a lot of time by converting the vector into a number .
  • in the end return the answer.

Result: Accepted!!

Question 3 : Maximum Good Length


Because we have to tell the maximum size of L for which has atleast one L*L submatrix having minimum value >= L . And most of the maximum of minimum problems can be solved by Binary Search , So I applied it.

Approach :

  • Apply binary search on the Length ‘L’ and for each L we calculate the following:
    • make a temporary_matrix and store its value matrix[i][j] >= L ? 1 : 0 .
    • and do the 2D pre-sum , it will help us to find out a valid submatrix in O(n*m) time.
  • Store the value of L in the answer and update value of low and high accordingly.
  • In the end return the answer .

Result: Accepted !!

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