Contest Experience – How to begin Coding on GeeksforGeeks

About: Embarking on a virtual voyage through the virtual realm of w3wiki (GFG), an enchanting kingdom of code and conundrums, I found myself amidst an electrifying coding contest. GFG, a digital sanctuary for coding aficionados, beckoned me to partake in a thrilling challenge that promised to test not only my mettle but also my ability to weave algorithms into magic.

Link of the Contest:

Overview of the Questions

Picture this: a treasure trove of five bewitching problems lay before me, each a tantalizing mystery demanding to unravel. The challenges ranged from deciphering the intricacies of palindromic wordplay to orchestrating a symphony of matrix manipulations. The quest even included reconstructing strings like a linguist translating ancient scrolls. We delved into graph realms, navigated through connectivity enigmas, and finally donned our wizard’s hat to conquer a dynamic programming dragon.

  1. Palindrome Pairs: Unraveling the hidden connections between words, the first challenge urged us to find pairs of words that danced harmoniously to form palindromes.
  2. Matrix Manipulation: Ah, the matrix riddle! Rotating elements like a grand mechanical dance, we waltzed through rows and columns, devising a choreography of swaps and twists.
  3. String Reconstruction: A Linguistic Escapade!” We pieced together a jigsaw of shuffled letters, adhering to cryptic patterns that only the sharpest minds could discern.
  4. Graph Connectivity: Immersed in the mystic world of graphs, we embarked on a journey of connectivity, unveiling hidden realms and counting components like an intrepid explorer mapping uncharted territories.
  5. Dynamic Programming Delight: Armed with the arcane knowledge of dynamic programming, we orchestrated a symphony of selections, balancing constraints to weave a tapestry of optimal choices.

Experience with problems:

Stepping into this enchanted arena, my fingers danced over the keyboard like an orchestra conductor, summoning melodies from thin air. I wielded arrays, strings, and graphs like spells, crafting algorithms that danced with elegant precision. The sands of time slipped away as I molded solutions, each challenge a crescendo of creativity.

The matrix manipulation challenge resonated with me like a puzzle whisperer. Conjuring rotations that defied gravity and swaps that swirled like vortices, I wove a tale of elements coming alive in a synchronized ballet.

The Dynamic Programming Delight, however, casts me as an architect of decisions. With each choice, I sculpted a narrative of optimization, sculpting value from constraints, and sculpting a masterpiece of dynamic solutions.


With bated breath, I unveiled my coded tapestries to the realm of GFG. Days later, a proclamation heralded the results, and I found myself ensconced within the ranks of the top 15%, an accomplishment that glowed like a gem. Yet beyond the laurels lies a treasure trove of wisdom. The editorial treasures shared by GFG illuminated alternate paths, uncovering hidden treasures of thought and methodology.

The coding contest was a crescendo of creativity, a symphony of solutions that resonated not only in victory but in the harmonies of learned lessons. I emerged not just with a rank but with newfound confidence, a cache of skills, and an eagerness to traverse new coding realms that beckon on the horizon of GFG’s future contests.

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