Concavity and Points of Inflection

Concavity and points of inflection are the key concepts and basic fundamentals of calculus and mathematical analysis. It provides an insight into how curves behave and the shape of the functions. Where concavity helps us to understand the curving of a function, determining whether it is concave upward or downward, the point of inflection determines the point where the concavity changes, i.e., where either curve transforms from concave upward to concave downward or concave to convex, and vice versa. These concepts are essential in various mathematical applications, including curve sketching, optimization problems , and the study of differential equations.

In this article, we’ll shed lights on the definitions, properties, and practical implications of concavity and points of inflection.


Concavity in a curve refers to its curvature, or the way it bends. If a curve is concave up, it opens upward like a cup, while if it’s concave down, it opens downward like a frown. Mathematically, a curve is concave up if its second derivative is positive, and concave down if its second derivative is negative. Essentially, concavity describes the shape of a curve at a specific point, indicating whether it’s curving upward or downward.

Table of Content

  • Concavity
  • Types of Concavity
    • Concave Upward
    • Concave Downward
  • Second Derivative Test
  • Relationship Between First and Second Derivatives for Concavity
  • Solved Examples on Concavity
  • Point of Inflection
  • Differentiating Between Points of Inflection and Extrema
  • Identifying Points of Inflection
  • Solved Examples on Points of Inflection

Types of Concavity

There are basically two types of concavity in mathematics:

Concave Upward

A function ?(?) is said to be concave up on an interval ? if for any two points ? and ? in ?, the secant line connecting (?,?(?)) and (?,?(?)) lies below the graph of ?(?). Mathematically, ?(?) is concave up on ? if ?′′(x)>0 for all ? in ?, where ?′′(?) denotes the second derivative of ?(?).

A function is said to be concave upward if its curvature opens upwards, resembling a smiley face or a cup that is facing upwards. If f(x) is concave upward on an interval , then its second derivative f’′(x) is positive or non-negative for all x in that interval. In concave upward functions, the slope increases as you move from left to right. They often have a minimum point, where the slope changes from negative to positive, representing the bottom of the curve.

Examples : f(x)=x2 and f(x)=ex.

Concave Downward

A function ?(?) is said to be concave down on an interval ? if for any two points ? and ? in ?, the secant line connecting (?,?(?)) and (?,?(?)) lies above the graph of ?(?). Mathematically, ?(?) is concave down on ? if ?′′(x)<0 for all ? in ?.

A function is concave downward if its curvature opens downwards, resembling a frowny face or a cup that is facing downwards. If g(x) is concave downward on an interval ,then its second derivative g′′(x) is negative or non-positive for all x in that interval. In concave downward functions, the slope decreases as you move from left to right. They often have a maximum point, where the slope changes from positive to negative, representing the peak of the curve.

Examples: g(x)=-x2 and g(x)=log(x).

Mathematical Definition of Concavity

The mathematical definition of concavity state that, for a function f(x) defined on an interval I:

  • f(x) is concave up on ? if ?′′(x) > 0 for all ? in ?
  • f(?) is concave down on ? if ?′′(x) < 0 for all ? in ?.

Second Derivative Test

The second derivative test is a method to determine the concavity of a function and locate relative extrema. According to second derivative test:

  • If f ‘′(c) > 0, then the function has a local minimum at x=c.
  • If f ′′(c) < 0, then the function has a local maximum at x=c.
  • If f ′′(c) = 0, the test is inconclusive.

Relationship Between First and Second Derivatives for Concavity

This relationship between first and second derivative highlight the fact that is the first derivative is increasing , then the slope of tangent line is increasing , i.e., a concave up shape. Conversely, if the first derivative is decreasing, the slope of the tangent line is decreasing, i.e., a concave down shape.

  • If f′(x) is increasing, then f(x) is concave up.
  • If f′(x) is decreasing, then f(x) is concave down.

Solved Examples on Concavity

Example 1: Determine the intervals where the function f(x)=x3−6x2+9x+15 is concave up and concave down.

First Derivative: f'(x)=3x2 -12x + 9

Second Derivative: f”(x)=6x-12

Find Critical Points for Concavity:

Set the second derivative equal to zero to find potential points of inflection:



Test the Intervals Around the Critical Point:

for x<2 (eg. x=1):

f”(1)=6(1)-12=-6 (negative, concave down)

for x>2(eg. x=3):

f”(3)=6(3)-12=6 (positive, concave up)


  • The function is concave down on the interval (−∞,2).
  • The function is concave up on the interval (2,∞).

Question -2: Determine the intervals where the function g(x)=2x4-4x3-24x2+48x is concave up and concave down.

First Derivative: g'(x)=8x3-12x2-48x+48

Second Derivative: g”(x)=24x2-24x-48

Find Critical Points for Concavity:

Set the second derivative equal to zero to find potential points of inflection:





Test the Intervals Around the Critical Points:

For x<-1(eg. x=-2):

g”(2)=24(-2)2-24(-2)-48=96+48-48=96 (positive, concave up)

For -1<x<2 (eg. x=0):

g”(0)=24(0)2-24(0)-48=-48 (negative, concave down)

For x>2 (eg., x=3):

g”(3)=24(3)2-24(3)-48=216-72-48=96 (positive, concave up)


The function is concave up on the intervals (−∞,−1) and (2,∞).

The function is concave down on the interval (−1,2).

Practice Questions on Concavity

Question -1: Determine the intervals where function h(x)=x4-4×3+6×2-4x+1 is concave up and concave down.

Question -2:Find the intervals of concavity for the function p(X)=1/3 x3-2x2+3x+5.

Question -3:Analyze the concavity of the function q(x)=sin(x)-x on the interval [0,2π].

Point of Inflection

A point of inflection is a point on the graph of a function where the curvature changes sign. In other words, it is a point where the concavity transitions from concave upward to concave downward, or vice versa. A point of inflection (x0,y0) on a function f(x) is where the second derivative f′′(x0) changes sign, or equivalently, where the concavity changes.

Conditions for a Point to be Considered a Point of Inflection:

  • A point c is considered a point of inflection of a function f(x) if the second derivative f′′(c) changes sign at that point.
  • Mathematically, if f”(c)=0 and the sign of f”(x) changes from positive to negative or from negative to positive at x=c, then c is a point of inflection.

It has high significance in determining the behavior of function , revealing about the point of transition where the concavity of the function changes. They are use in optimization problem and understanding the qualitative behavior of functions in various contexts.

Differentiating Between Points of Inflection and Extrema

Point of inflection are the points where the concavity of the functions changes , where as, Extrema are points on a function where it reaches a maximum (local or global) or minimum (local or global) value.

Here is a differentiation between point of inflection and extrema:





Where the curve changes its concavity

Where the function reaches a peak (max) or a low point (min)


The direction of the curve’s bend changes

The curve is at its highest or lowest point locally

Graphical Representation

Point where the curve shifts from curving up to curving down, or vice versa

Point where the curve has a peak (highest) or valley (lowest)

Derivation Condition

Second derivative ?(x) changes sign

First derivative ?′(x)=0 and second derivative test tells if it’s a max or min

Extrema Relation

Not necessarily a maximum or minimum

Definitely a maximum or minimum


Shows where the behavior of the curve changes

Shows optimal points and critical values of the function

Identifying Points of Inflection

Identifying points of inflection involves checking where the concavity of a function changes. Here are the mathematical criteria for determining points of inflection:

Second Derivative Test:

  • A point x=c is a potential point of inflection if the second derivative f′′(c)=0 or f′′(c) is undefined.
  • However, this condition alone is not sufficient. To confirm a point of inflection, the second derivative must change sign at x=c.

Sign Change of the Second Derivative:

  • To determine if x=c is an actual point of inflection, check the sign of f′′(x) on either side of x=c.
  • If f′′(x) changes from positive to negative or from negative to positive as x passes through c, then x=c is a point of inflection.

Solved Examples on Points of Inflection

Example 1: f(x)=x3.


First derivative: f'(x)=3x2

Second derivative: f”(X)=6x

Find Potential Points of Inflection:

Set the second derivative equal to zero:



Test for Sign Change:

for x<0 (e.g., x=-1):

f”(-1)=6(-1)=-6 (negative, concave down)

for x>0 (e.g., x=1)

f”(1)=6(1)=6 (positive , concave up)


There is a point of inflection at x=0 because the concavity changes from down to up.

Example 2: g(x)=x4-4x3+6x2


First derivative: g'(x)=4x3-12x2+12x

Second derivative: g”(x)=12x2-24x+12

Find Potential Points of Inflection:

Set the second derivative equal to zero:





Test for Sign Change:

for x<1 (e.g. , x=0)

g”(0)=12(0)2-24(0)+12=12 (positive, concave up)

for x>1 (e.g., x=2)

g”(2)=12(2)2-24(2)+12=12 (positive, concave up)


There is no point of inflection at x=1 because the concavity does not change.

Example 3: h(x)=x3-3x2+3x-1


First derivative: h'(x)=3x2-6x+3

Second derivative: h”(x)=6x-6

Find Potential Points of Inflection:

Set the second derivative equal to zero: 6x-6=0


Test for Sign Change:

for x<1 (e.g., x=0):

h”(0)=6(0)-6=-6 (negative, concave down)

for x>1(e.g., x=2):

h”(2)=6(2)-6=6 (positive , concave up)


There is a point of inflection at x=1 because the concavity changes from down to up.

Example 4: k(x)=sin(x) on the interval [0,2π]


First Derivative: k′(x)=cos(x)

Second Derivative: k′′(x)=−sin(x)

Find Potential Points of Inflection:

Set the second derivative equal to zero:


So, x=0,π,2π.

Test for Sign Change:

  • For x=0:
    • For x<0 (e.g. x=-0.1): k”(-0.1)=-sin(0.1) ≈ 0.1(positive)
    • For x>0 (e.g., x=0.1): k”(0.1)=-sin(0.1) ≈ -0.1(negative)
  • For x= π:
    • For x<π(e.g. x=π-0.1): k”(π-0.1)=-sin(π-0.1) ≈0.1 (positive)
    • For x>π (e.g., x=π+0.1):k”(π+0.1)=-sin(π+0.1) ≈-0.1(negative)
  • For x=2π:
    • For x<2π (e.g., x=2π-0.1): k”(2π-0.1)=-sin(2π-0.1)≈ 0.1 (positive)
    • For x>2π (e.g., x=2π+0.1):k”(2π+0.1)=-sin(2π+0.1) ≈-0.1(negative)


There are points of inflection at x=0,π,2π because the concavity changes at these points.


In conclusion, understanding concavity and points of inflection is essential for analyzing the behavior of functions and interpreting their graphical representations accurately. Concavity provides valuable insights into how a function curves, distinguishing between concave upward and concave downward shapes, while points of inflection mark locations where the curvature changes sign. Through mathematical analysis and graphical representations, we can identify concave regions, determine intervals of concavity, and pinpoint points of inflection, aiding in various applications such as curve sketching, optimization, and analyzing the behavior of functions in real-world scenarios.

FAQs on Concavity and Points of Inflection

What is concavity, and why is it important in mathematics?

Concavity refers to the shape of a curve or function, indicating whether the curve curves upward (convex) or downward (concave). It is crucial in mathematics as it provides insights into the behavior of functions, helping analyze the curvature changes and determine key properties such as maxima, minima, and inflection points.

Points of inflection are points on the graph of a function where the concavity changes sign. They mark locations where the curve transitions from being concave upward to concave downward or vice versa. Points of inflection are identified by analyzing the second derivative of the function and determining where it changes sign.

How do we identify concavity and points of inflection for a given function?

To identify concavity, we analyze the sign of the second derivative of the function. If the second derivative is positive, the function is concave upward, and if it is negative, the function is concave downward. Points of inflection are found where the second derivative changes sign, indicating a change in concavity.

What are some practical applications of concavity and points of inflection?

Concavity and points of inflection are utilized in various mathematical and real-world applications. For example, in economics, they help analyze cost and revenue functions to determine profit-maximizing output levels. In engineering, they aid in optimizing designs and analyzing structural stability. Additionally, in physics, they are used to understand the behavior of objects in motion and analyze waveforms in signal processing.

Can a function have multiple points of inflection?

Yes, a function can have multiple points of inflection where the concavity changes sign multiple times. These points mark significant transitions in the curvature of the function’s graph and provide valuable information about its behavior and properties.

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