Command Pattern | C++ Design Patterns

The Command Pattern is a behavioral design pattern that focuses on encapsulating a request as an object, thereby decoupling the sender of the request from the receiver. This pattern allows you to parameterize objects with commands, delay or queue a request’s execution, and support undoable operations. It’s a fundamental pattern for implementing a wide range of functionality in software systems.

Important Topics for the Command Pattern in C++ Design Patterns

  • key components of the Command Pattern
  • Command Pattern Examples in C++
  • Advantages of the Command Pattern in C++ Design Patterns
  • Disadvantages of the Command Pattern in C++ Design Patterns

Key components of the Command Pattern

1. Command Interface or Abstract Class

This is an interface or abstract class that declares an execute method, defining the contract for concrete commands. It ensures that all commands have a method to perform their actions.

2. Concrete Command

Concrete command classes implement the Command interface or inherit from the abstract class. Each concrete command encapsulates a specific action to be performed. For instance, you might have concrete commands to turn on lights, open files, or send messages.

3. Receiver

The receiver is responsible for performing the actual work when a command is executed. It knows how to carry out the requested action. For example, in a home automation system, the receiver could be a “Light” object that understands how to turn on and off.

4. Invoker

The invoker is responsible for triggering the execution of commands. It holds references to the commands and can execute them. It acts as an intermediary between the sender (client) and the receiver, ensuring that the sender remains decoupled from the receiver.

Command Pattern Examples in C++

Problem statement: Design a system that demonstrates the use of the Command Pattern to decouple the sender and receiver of a request. The system should consist of several key components: Command, Concrete Command, Receiver, and Invoker.

Below is the implementation of the Command Pattern in C++:


#include <iostream>
// Receiver
class Receiver {
    // Receiver class defines the action to be performed.
    void performAction()
        std::cout << "Receiver is performing an action."
                  << std::endl;
// Command interface
class Command {
    // The execute method is declared in the Command
    // interface.
    virtual void execute() = 0;
// Concrete Command
class ConcreteCommand : public Command {
    Receiver& receiver;
    // ConcreteCommand takes a reference to a Receiver
    // object in its constructor.
    ConcreteCommand(Receiver& rec)
        : receiver(rec)
    // The execute method calls the action on the Receiver.
    void execute() { receiver.performAction(); }
// Invoker
class Invoker {
    Command* command;
    // The setCommand method allows setting the command to
    // be executed.
    void setCommand(Command* cmd) { command = cmd; }
    // The executeCommand method triggers the execution of
    // the command.
    void executeCommand() { command->execute(); }
int main()
    // Create a Receiver instance.
    Receiver receiver;
    // Create a ConcreteCommand, passing the Receiver to it.
    ConcreteCommand command(receiver);
    // Create an Invoker.
    Invoker invoker;
    // Set the command to be executed by the invoker.
    // Execute the command.
    return 0;


Receiver is performing an action.

Problem statement: Design a system to simulate a remote control for various electronic devices. The system should allow users to turn these devices on and off using a remote control with multiple buttons. Implement the Command Pattern to achieve this functionality.

Below is the step by step process to implement above problem statement:

  • Create an interface or base class Command that defines a execute method, which should be implemented by concrete commands.
  • Implement concrete command classes, such as TurnOnCommand and TurnOffCommand, to encapsulate specific actions for turning electronic devices on and off.
  • Create a receiver class ElectronicDevice for the electronic devices that need to be controlled. It should have methods to turn the device on and off.
  • Design an Invoker class RemoteControl to manage and execute the commands. It should provide the following features:
    • The ability to add commands to specific buttons on the remote control.
    • A method to press a button, which triggers the associated command’s execution.
    • Demonstrate the functionality by creating instances of electronic devices (e.g., TV, lights), concrete commands (turn on TV, turn off lights), and a remote control.
    • Users should be able to press the buttons on the remote control to turn electronic devices on and off.
  • Ensure that the system is flexible and extensible, allowing for easy addition of new electronic devices and commands without modifying existing code.

Below is the implementation of the above example:


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
// Receiver: Electronic Device
class ElectronicDevice {
    std::string name;
    ElectronicDevice(const std::string& n)
        : name(n)
    void turnOn()
        std::cout << name << " is now ON." << std::endl;
    void turnOff()
        std::cout << name << " is now OFF." << std::endl;
// Command interface
class Command {
    virtual void execute() = 0;
// Concrete Command: Turn on
class TurnOnCommand : public Command {
    ElectronicDevice& device;
    TurnOnCommand(ElectronicDevice& dev)
        : device(dev)
    void execute() { device.turnOn(); }
// Concrete Command: Turn off
class TurnOffCommand : public Command {
    ElectronicDevice& device;
    TurnOffCommand(ElectronicDevice& dev)
        : device(dev)
    void execute() { device.turnOff(); }
// Invoker: Remote Control
class RemoteControl {
    std::vector<Command*> commands;
    void addCommand(Command* cmd)
    void pressButton(int slot)
        if (slot >= 0 && slot < commands.size()) {
int main()
    // Create electronic devices
    ElectronicDevice tv("TV");
    ElectronicDevice lights("Lights");
    // Create commands for turning devices on and off
    TurnOnCommand turnOnTV(tv);
    TurnOffCommand turnOffTV(tv);
    TurnOnCommand turnOnLights(lights);
    TurnOffCommand turnOffLights(lights);
    // Create a remote control
    RemoteControl remote;
    // Set commands for remote buttons
    remote.addCommand(&turnOnTV); // Button 0: Turn on TV
    remote.addCommand(&turnOffTV); // Button 1: Turn off TV
        &turnOnLights); // Button 2: Turn on Lights
        &turnOffLights); // Button 3: Turn off Lights
    // Press buttons on the remote
    remote.pressButton(0); // Turn on TV
    remote.pressButton(3); // Turn off Lights
    remote.pressButton(1); // Turn off TV
    remote.pressButton(2); // Turn on Lights
    return 0;


TV is now ON.
Lights is now OFF.
TV is now OFF.
Lights is now ON.

Advantages of the Command Pattern in C++ Design Patterns

  • Decoupling of Sender and Receiver: The Command Pattern decouples the sender of a request from the receiver, meaning that the sender does not need to know the specifics of how a request is handled. This decoupling promotes a more flexible and maintainable codebase.
  • Command Queueing: Commands can be easily queued, which allows for the implementation of features like undo and redo functionality. This is particularly useful in applications where the order of execution matters.
  • Logging and Auditing: Since each command is encapsulated as an object, it becomes straightforward to log and audit the commands that are executed. This is valuable for tracking system behavior and debugging.
  • Extensibility: The Command Pattern makes it easy to add new commands and expand the functionality of an application without altering existing code. You can introduce new command classes without affecting the existing classes.
  • Support for Composite Commands: By creating composite commands (commands that contain other commands), you can implement complex operations. This is helpful when you need to execute a sequence of actions as a single command.
  • Encapsulation of State: Commands can encapsulate the state required for their execution. This encapsulation ensures that a command has all the information it needs to perform its action.

Disadvantages of the Command Pattern in C++ Design Patterns

  • Code Complexity: Implementing the Command Pattern may lead to a more extensive class hierarchy, particularly when dealing with various types of commands and receivers. This added complexity can be overwhelming for simple systems.
  • Increased Memory Usage: As each command is represented as an object, there can be increased memory overhead, especially when dealing with a large number of commands. This might not be suitable for memory-constrained systems.
  • Potential Performance Overhead: The use of commands and their execution can introduce a slight performance overhead due to the indirection involved in encapsulating requests as objects. In performance-critical applications, this overhead may be a concern.
  • Learning Curve: Understanding and implementing the Command Pattern can be challenging for developers who are new to design patterns. It may require additional training and experience to use it effectively.
  • Limited Use Cases: The Command Pattern is not always the best choice for every scenario. It is most valuable in systems where you need to decouple senders and receivers, implement undo/redo functionality, or log commands. In simpler systems, it might be unnecessary.

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