CodSoft Work Experience as Artificial Intelligence Intern

CodSoft is all about IT services and consultancy, cooking up smart solutions for businesses. We love tech and think software can change the world. Our internship program is our way of investing in the future. We’re helping students learn hands-on through live projects and real-world examples.

I’m doing an internship at CodSoft, diving into Artificial Intelligence. I’m a second-year student at PICT, Pune, studying B.Tech CSE. I’ve always been into AI and wanted some guidance, not just theory, but real projects.

Internship Duration: 15/10/2023 to 25/11/2023


During my internship, I took on five projects, and I had to do at least three. Let’s break them down:


Make a simple chatbot using if-else statements or patterns to understand and respond to user questions. It’s a basic dive into how computers understand language.


Implement an AI agent that plays the classic game of Tic-Tac-Toe against a human player. You can use algorithms like Minimax with or without Alpha-Beta Pruning to make the AI player unbeatable. This project will help you understand game theory and basic search algorithms.


Combine computer vision and natural language processing to build an image captioning AI. Use pre-trained image recognition models like VGG or ResNet to extract features from images, and then use a recurrent neural network (RNN) or transformer-based model to generate captions for those images.


Create a simple recommendation system that suggests items to users based on their preferences. You can use techniques like collaborative filtering or content-based filtering to recommend movies, books, or products to users.


Develop an AI application that can detect and recognize faces in images or videos. Use pre-trained face detection models like Haar cascades or deep learning-based face detectors, and optionally add face recognition capabilities using techniques like Siamese networks or ArcFace.

Learnings and Future-Scope

As the purpose of internship is to self-learn and grow, I had learned many different technologies in AI field like NLP(natural Language Processing), Data Science, Tensorflow, learned to create git repository and the main thing that I learned is to learn by doing projects instead staring theory first which is one of the important aspect in coding journey. Absolutely, this internship has introduced me to Artificial Intelligence at beginner level. AI is the most demanding, high paying and innovative field as of now. So the scope-wise, it is the best I can have as internship to get introduced in such short time.

Pros and Cons


Like-minded peer network.

Valuable insights.

Hands-On projects experience.

Internship Certificate


No guidance, and no avenue to connect with them

No sources provided nor recommended. Everything has to done on your own.

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