CodingMart Technologies Interview Experience

First  Round:

[TIME LIMIT: 45 mins]

  • They gave a choice either to attempt Javascript round /MCQ round.
  • MCQ round consisted of 25 questions from data structures and algorithms. They will provide an A4 sheet paper for rough work!!!

Tip: mostly ques from LinkedList: insertion, deletion no of rotations in AVL tree, stack, evaluation of expressions, space complexity, the time complexity of given snippet.

  • In the Javascript round, they asked to design a Brick problem, shopping Cart.

Second Round :

[TIME LIMIT ; 1hr 30 MINS]

Coding Round.

  • Only one coding question will be given. They will allow us to browse the internet regarding questions for about 15 mins.
  • You can use any programming language to solve(C, CPP, JAVA, PYTHON ETC..)
  • No IDE is allowed. You can use Notepad to code.
  • Output is a must and also you need to explain the solution well in terms of logic which is used over there along with time & space complexity.
  • Be confident enough. Do not give up until you get the output 

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