Coder’s Journey featuring Jaideep Pyne (Software Developer at Amazon)

Coder’s journey covers the experience of programming experts across the globe. With coder’s journey, w3wiki aims to deliver practical guidance to all young programmers and assist them in launching their dream careers.

Jaideep is a Computer Science graduate from Heritage Institute of Technology and is currently working as a Software Development Engineer at Amazon. He has a keen interest in programming and is a very passionate programmer. Jaideep was a former Intern at w3wiki as Technical Content Writer and wrote multiple articles on Data Structures and Algorithms. Apart from his professional life, Jaideep is fond of outdoor sports like badminton, football, swimming, etc. Jaideep also likes to spend his leisure time watching YouTube videos and listening to podcasts.

When and How did “being a programmer” strike you as a perfect career choice? 

I never thought of making a career choice of “being a programmer” consciously. During my 1st year of college, I got into competitive programming(CP) and since then there was no looking back. I used to enjoy CP a lot. I did not want any reward for that. Doing CP was itself a reward for me. I kept on doing CP and studying my regular college curriculum in parallel. Competing with my friends helped me a lot in getting better with Competitive Programming. The rest is history.

Tell us about your ICPC Experience? What are some tips you would like to share for young programmers? 

I went to ICPC Amritapuri Regionals in December 2017 and ICPC Kharagpur regionals in December 2018. I would recommend going to ICPC regionals for every programmer who feels an adrenaline rush after submitting a solution and waiting for the online judge to show “Accepted” or “AC” on Codeforces and CodeChef respectively.

It’s a lifetime experience. You just need to enjoy CP without thinking of getting anything in return. Just enjoy the process and keep learning. One golden advice to improve is upsolving. Solve the problem which you were not able to solve during the contest after the contest ends.

What was your biggest failure and what did you learn from it?

I failed a lot. I got rejected in multiple job interviews but I never stopped trying. Always remember, failures are the stepping stones to success. I believed that I have the potential to do something worthy. I have learned a lot of great things from failures, which turned out to be life experiences that one should always have. There were times when I even thought of giving up on Competitive programming but failures taught me to be perseverant and keep working towards what to achieve and have faith in myself. Miracles always happen, you just need to keep trying and never lose hope.

How did you bag an offer at Amazon? Could you share some tips for the same?

I cracked Amazon from a pool campus interview where the entire state of West Bengal appeared for an Amazon hiring event. I got selected along with countably few others. Some tips would be to keep enjoying coding. Love it and it will love you back. Also, CP is not compulsory for cracking a FAANG company. w3wiki interview preparation materials and other websites like leetcode can also help you crack even if you have never done CP. Upsolving is important if you want to improve fast and steadily. Track your progress from time to time to scale up your performance.

What are some of your greatest achievements? 

Qualifying ICPC regionals twice is one of my greatest achievements from college life. Cracking a FAANG company like Amazon right out of college through an “off campus” interview is another. 

Jaideep can be reached at LinkedIn

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