CMMS in Tracking and Reporting

Tracking and reporting data is a sort of data mining i.e. process generally used to track data from larger sets of any raw data that simply converts this raw data into useful information. CMMA is one of the best software tools that do data mining more effectively.

CMMS basically helps one to make a decision that increases efficiency and saves the cost of assets. CMMS helps one to gather, track, identify, and analyze data of assets from past performance of assets. It allows one to gather information from various fields of maintenance operation and makes it useful with reporting templates. Tracking status of work, reporting, and analyzing this reported data generally helps in managing work, produce reports, and also help in controlling costs.

Steps for how CMMS Helps in Tracking and Reporting :
The following are some ways by which CMMS helps in tracking and reporting data.

  1. Determines Average Time to Repair (MTTR) :
    MTTR (Mean Time to Repair) basically presents the average time that is required to resolve issues and repair failed assets. It is average time required to bring failed assets back to its normal working condition. Determining MTTR simply helps to determine how long assets will get out of service if a failure occurs. It also makes one understand the consequences of relying too much on one asset. It also determines the capabilities of team members about how effectively and quickly they are working and resolving issues. Therefore, MTTR is very essential and CMMS is best tool to determine MTTR. CMMS generally helps one to track data related to time that is being spent on maintenance by team members, the total number of failures, and time spent to repair them.

  2. Determines Average Time between Failures (MTBF) :
    MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) basically presents average time between assets failure. It simply determines average time that asset is working in between failures. With help of MTBF, one can easily determine working condition of assets, reliability of an asset, the performance of an asset, criticality of asset, etc. Therefore, MTBF is very essential and CMMS is best tool to determine MTBF. CMMS simply helps one to determine how long an asset can run before its failure. One can also reduce downtime of assets.

  3. Determines Capability and Working Ability of each Employee :
    How workers and employees are working is main question of each organization. The workability of an employee generally means capability of completing a given task at a given period of time. Every employee organization hire should be capable of working with confidence and more effectively with team members. Determining working skills of each employee is very important as these skills only tell us whether they are appropriate to do particular or not. CMMS is a software tool that helps one to determine working ability of each employee by simply tracking work order of employees so that one can improve employee productivity and accuracy in different ways as well as provide some training also if needed.

  4. Eliminate Waste Preventive Maintenance :
    Yes, Preventive Maintenance is important but regular maintenance is simply a waste of resources and money. Performing preventive maintenance only when it is required to be performed is main. CMMS is the best way to determine when preventive maintenance should be performed. CMMS simply keeps records of working condition of assets and alerts when a failure might occur. By this, one can easily take measures and perform preventive maintenance to prevent assets from failure.

  5. Determines Assets that are Costing Too much and Why :
    Whatever is happening, there is always come a question that why it’s happening. Assets are something that requires maintenance to keep running constantly without any interruption. But maintenance cost is a measure issue of any organization. Managing maintenance costs is a difficult one. One needs to determine which assets are costing too much and why. CMMS is a tool that helps one to answer this question as CMMS keeps records of working performance of assets, MTBF, and MTTR of assets. With help of this information, one can easily track assets that too expensive and why it is expensive so that some measures can be taken to reduce maintenance costs.

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