Class 11 NCERT Solutions- Chapter 14 Mathematical Reasoning – Miscellaneous Exercise on Chapter 14

Question 1: Write the negation of the following statements:

(i) p: For every positive real number x, the number x – 1 is also positive. 


~p: There exists atleast a positive real number x, such that x – 1 is not positive.

(ii) q: All cats scratch. 


~q: There exists cats that do not scratch.

(iii) r: For every real number x, either x > 1 or x < 1. 


~r: There exists a real number x, such that neither x > 1 nor x < 1.

(iv) s: There exists a number x such that 0 < x < 1. 


~s: There does not exist a number x, such that 0 < x < 1.

Question 2: State the converse and contrapositive of each of the following statements:

(i) p: A positive integer is prime only if it has no divisors other than 1 and itself.


Statement p can be understood as follows.

If a positive integer is prime, then it has no divisors other than 1 and itself.

The converse of the statement is as follows.

If a positive integer has no divisor other than 1 and itself, then it is prime.

The contrapositive of the statement is as follows.

If positive integer has divisor other than 1 and itself, then it is not prime.

(ii) q: I go to a beach whenever it is a sunny day. 


The given statement can be understood as follows.

If it is a sunny day, then I go to a beach.

The converse of the statement is as follows.

If I go to a beach, then it is a sunny day.

The contrapositive of the statement is as follows.

If I do not go to a beach, then it is not a sunny day.

(iii) r: If it is hot outside, then you feel thirsty. 


The converse of statement r is as follows.

If you feel thirsty, then it is hot outside.

The contrapositive of statement r is as follows.

If you do not feel thirsty, then it is not hot outside.

Question 3: Write each of the statements in the form ‘if p, then q’.

(i) p: It is necessary to have a password to log on to the server. 


p: If you have a password, then you can log on to the server.

(ii) q: There is traffic jam whenever it rains. 


q: If it rains, then there is a traffic jam.

(iii) r: You can access the website only if you pay a subscription fee.


r: If you pay the subscription fee, then you can access the website.

Question 4: Rewrite each of the following statements in the form ‘p if and only if q’.

(i) p: If you watch television, then your mind is free and if your mind is free, then you watch television.


p: You watch television if and only if your mind is free.

(ii) q: For you to get an A grade, it is necessary and sufficient that you do all the homework regularly.


q: You get an A grade if and only if you do all the homework regularly.

(iii) r: If a quadrilateral is equiangular, then it is a rectangle and if a quadrilateral is a rectangle, then it is equiangular.


r: A quadrilateral is equiangular if and only if it is a rectangle.

Question 5: Given below are two statements

p: 25 is a multiple of 5.

q: 25 is a multiple of 8.

Write the compound statements connecting these two statements with ‘And’ and ‘Or’. In both cases check the validity of the compound statement. 


The compound statement with ‘And’ is ‘25 is a multiple of 5 and 8′.

This statement is not valid, because 25 is not a multiple of 8.

The compound statement with ‘Or’ is ‘25 is a multiple of 5 or 8’.

This statement is valid, because although 25 is not a multiple of 8, it is a multiple of 5.

Question 6: Check the validity of the statements given below by the method given against it.

(i) p: The sum of an irrational number and a rational number is irrational (by contradiction method). 


The given statement is,

p: The sum of an irrational number and a rational number is irrational.

Let us assume that the given statement, p, is false. That is, we assume that the sum of an irrational number and

a rational number is rational.

Therefore, √a + b/c = d/e is irrational where a, b, c, d and e are integers.

d/e – b/c is a rational number and √a is an irrational number.

This is a contradiction. So, our assumption is wrong.

Therefore, the sum of an irrational number and a rational number is rational.

Hence, the given statement is valid.

(ii) q: If n is a real number with n > 3, then n2 > 9 (by contradiction method).


The given statement is,

q: If n is a real number with n > 3, then n2 > 9.

Let’s assume that n is a real number with n > 3, but n2 > 9 is false,i.e., n2 < 9.

Then, n > 3 where n is a real number.

Squaring both the sides,

n2 > (3)2

⇒ n2 > 9, which is a contradiction to our assumption that is n2 < 9.

Therefore, the given statement is valid.

Question 7: Write the following statement in five different ways, conveying the same meaning.

p: If a triangle is equiangular, then it is an obtuse-angled triangle. 


The given statement can be written in the following five different ways:

(i) A triangle is equiangular implies that it is obtuse-angled.

(ii) A triangle is equiangular only if it is an obtuse-angled.

(iii) For a triangle to be equiangular, it is necessary that the triangle is obtuse-angled.

(iv) For a triangle to be obtuse-angled, it is sufficient that the triangle is equiangular.

(v) If a triangle is not obtuse-angled, then the triangle can not be equiangular.

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