Class 11 NCERT Solutions – Chapter 14 Mathematical Reasoning – Exercise 14.1

Question 1. Which of the following sentences are statements? Give reasons for your answer?

Note: A sentence is called mathematically acceptable statement if it is either true or false but not both.

(i) There are 35 days in a month.


Yes, this is a statement because there can be 28 / 29 / 30 / 31 days in a month but not 35 and therefore this is definitely  false.  

(ii) Mathematics is difficult.


No, this is not a statement because for some people math can be easy and for some it is difficult. so it can be both true and false in.  

(iii) The sum of 5 and 7 is greater than 10.


Yes, this is a statement because 5 + 7 = 12, which is greater than 10 and therefore this is definitely true.  

(iv) The square of a number is an even number.


No, this is not a statement because square of 3 is 9 which is odd and square of  4 is 16 which is even. so it can be both true and false.  

(v) The sides of a quadrilateral have equal length.


No , this is not a statement because square is a quadrilateral which has all sides equal but for rectangle which is also a quadrilateral in which all sides are not equal. so it can be both true and false.  

(vi) Answer this question.


No, this is not a statement because this an order and we cannot say whether it is true or false.

(vii) The product of (–1) and 8 is 8.


Yes , this is a statement because product of -1 and 8 is -8 and therefore this is definitely  false.  

(viii) The sum of all interior angles of a triangle is 180°.


Yes, this is a statement because sum of all interior triangle is  180° in a triangle and  therefore this is definitely  true.

(ix) Today is a windy day.


No, this is not a statement because a day can be either windy or not windy we cannot say whether it is true or false.

(x) All real numbers are complex numbers.


Yes , this is a statement because all real numbers are complex with imaginary part as 0 and  therefore this is definitely  true.

Question 2. Give three examples of sentences which are not statements. Give reasons for the answers?


  1. How far is Chennai from here? This is a question which also contains the word “Here”. Hence it is not a statement
  2. Tomorrow is Friday. This sentence can either be true or false hence it is not a statement.
  3. The sum of x and y is greater than 0 .Here, we are not in a position to determine whether it is true or false, unless we know what x and y are and therefore this is not a statement.

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