Chandigarh University Campus Experience

Hello there, I am 2nd year BE student at Chandigarh University(CU), I am sharing my campus experience of 1st and 2nd year of my under graduation. I completed my 1st year in online mode because of COVID in 2021 therefore my campus journey starts in 2nd year. Let’s talk about the Infrastructure of CU,

Honestly, the campus of Chandigarh University is quite large and covered with the lush greenery of Punjab, a peaceful environment. fresh air and beautifully developed, no doubt of the beautiful and enriched Infrastructure of CU. The classroom, all the rooms, and laboratories are well-equipped with the latest equipment. I live in the CU hostel itself and my hostel rooms are also quite good, and clean and they always take care of hygiene.

other than infrastructure, the faculty members are highly qualified and professional, they provide guidance and mentorship at any time, and their unwavering support and motivation keep the motivation of students always high. they are genuinely dedicated to fostering the potential of the students. Throughout my academic journey, my mentor always supports me, and I look forward to their continued support and guidance in the next semesters too.

During my 2nd year I took part in various academic events and hackathons, CU organizes many hackathons, academic events, seminars, and competitions to nurture the skills of students, Participating in these events and extracurricular activities significantly improved my social and academic, and technical skills. CU has various clubs and organizations for students to develop new skills and follow their passion.

other than academic event CU organize CU Fest(Cultural Fest) every year which is the biggest fest in CU this fest is the true spirit of youth and creativity, famous celebrities, singers, and actors comes over to this fest to make this fest a more memorable and unforgettable experience. CU Fest serves as a platform for students to showcase their talent in music, dance, theatre, and various other art forms.

At Chandigarh University, It allows me to interact with a large diversity of students and cultural communities, students at CU come from many states and countries. forming bonds with other community fellows is always a heartwarming experience for me.

In conclusion, My journey at Chandigarh University is transformational, enriching, and unforgettable experience, the fresh environment of CU always keeps my mind fresh and active. As I embark in upcoming experiences in CU I wish to be filled with gratitude for opportunities and a bright future. Thank you, Chandigarh University for this beautiful and unforgettable experience in my life.

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