C# Program to Demonstrate the Use of CanSeek Property

FileStream class is used to perform read and write operations in a file. It provides full support for both synchronous and asynchronous read and write operations. This class provides different types of methods and properties and the CanSeek property is one of them. This property is used to find a value that determines whether the current stream supports seeking or not. If the returned value is true then that means the current stream supports seeking, Or if the returned value is false then that means the current stream does not support seeking.  


public override bool CanSeek { get; }

Return: The return type of this property is Boolean, either true or false. 


1. Create two file pointers – file 1 and file2

FileStream file1;
FileStream file2;

2. Get file 1 with sravan.txt with Read access and vignan.txt with Write access

file1 = new FileStream("sravan.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
file2 = new FileStream("vignan.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write);

Here, Open property is used to open the file, Read property is used to read the file, and Write property is used to write in the file.

3. Check the both files are able to Read or not using CanSeek Property

if (file1.CanRead)
    Console.WriteLine("able to read");
    Console.WriteLine("not able to read");
if (file2.CanRead)
    Console.WriteLine("able to read");
    Console.WriteLine("not able to read");

4. Close both the files



// C# program to demonstrate the working of CanSeek property
using System;
using System.IO;
class GFG{
static void Main()
    // Declare two file pointers
    FileStream file1;
    FileStream file2;
    // Read given files
    file1 = new FileStream("sravan.txt", FileMode.Open,
    file2 = new FileStream("vignan.txt", FileMode.Open,
    // Check file pointer 1 is able to seek or not
    // Using the CanSeek property
    if (file1.CanSeek)
        Console.WriteLine("able to seek");
        Console.WriteLine("not able to seek");
    // Close first file pointer
    // Check file pointer 2 is able to seek or not
    // Using the CanSeek property
    if (file2.CanSeek)
        Console.WriteLine("able to seek");
        Console.WriteLine("not able to seek");
    // Close second file pointer


able to seek
able to seek

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