C# Program to Implement IComparable Interface

C# provides an IComparable interface. This interface provides different types of type-specific comparison methods which means a value type or a class can implement this interface to sort its instances because we cannot sort the instances of a class directly because the compiler does not know on which basis to sort. Similarly comparing directly two instances will throw compiler error as the compiler gets confused about what to compare.


public interface IComparable

Implementing IComparable Interface requires:

  • Adding a method CompareTo() which receives an object and returns an integer.
  • The incoming object is first type-casted as the class type and stored in a temporary variable. It is then compared with a property of the current method
  • The CompareTo() method depending on the comparison:
    • returns 0, if the current instance’s property is equal to the temporary variable’s property
    • returns 1, if the current instance’s property is greater than the temporary variable’s property
    • returns -1, if the current instance’s property is less than the temporary variable’s property

Now let us discuss how to implement the IComparable interface with the help of the below example.

Example: Below is the implementation of the IComparable interface. in this example we sort the employees according to their employee ID.


// C# program to demonstrate how to
// implement IComparable interface 
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG{
// Driver code
static public void Main()
    // Create an array of employees 
    // using collection initializer
    Employee[] employees = new Employee[]
        new Employee(1, "Susmita"),
        new Employee(5, "Soniya"),
        new Employee(3, "Rohit"),
        new Employee(2, "Mohit"),
        new Employee(4, "Pihu")
    // Displaying the employee's array before sorting
    Console.WriteLine("Before sorting employees array");
    foreach(var emp in employees)
          Console.WriteLine("ID - {0}, Employee Name - {1}"
                            emp.ID, emp.EmployeeName);
    // Sorts the employees array in ascending 
    // order on basis of id of the employee
    // Printing the employee's array after sorting
    Console.WriteLine("After sorting employees array");
    foreach(var emp in employees)
          Console.WriteLine("ID - {0}, Employee Name - {1}",  
                            emp.ID, emp.EmployeeName);
// Implementing IComparable interface
public class Employee : IComparable{
public int ID;
public string EmployeeName;
// Employee constructor
public Employee(int id, string employeename)
    this.ID = id;
    this.EmployeeName = employeename;
// Implementation of the CompareTo() method which takes
// an object as an input and return integer value depending on
// the comparison between current object and incoming object,
public int CompareTo(object incomingobject)
      // Storing incoming object in temp variable of 
      // current class type
      Employee incomingemployee = incomingobject as Employee;
      return this.ID.CompareTo(incomingemployee.ID);


Before sorting employees array
ID - 1, Employee Name - Susmita
ID - 5, Employee Name - Soniya
ID - 3, Employee Name - Rohit
ID - 2, Employee Name - Mohit
ID - 4, Employee Name - Pihu

After sorting employees array
ID - 1, Employee Name - Susmita
ID - 2, Employee Name - Mohit
ID - 3, Employee Name - Rohit
ID - 4, Employee Name - Pihu
ID - 5, Employee Name - Soniya

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