Brane Enterprises Interview Experience (On-Campus)

I am sharing my interview experience with Brane Enterprises from college placement.

Total 4 rounds:

There was 4 section and it was online sections:

  • Aptitude – 10 Questions
  • Analytics – 10 Questions
  • English – 10 Questions
  • Technical – 30 Questions
  • Coding – 1 Question (It was a DP-based problem)

The MCQ part was easy but the Coding one was a Hard DP problem ( Equivalent to 1700 DP Problems on Codeforces).

Whoever solved the coding questions was selected for the interview round.

From 110 students 17 students were selected for the next round.

1st Technical Interview: –

  • The interview started with my Introduction and interviewer shifted to DSA Problems and asked me to open leetcode.
  • Asked me Trapping Rainwater problem I first gave brute force and then told me to optimize this and I optimized that.
  • After that Interviewer asked me to give proof of the time complexity of the merge sort.
  • Then She asked me about CS fundamentals Transactions, OOPs, and the Advantages of OOPs.
  • After that she told me to solve the Largest Rectangle in Histogram I first gave brute force and then optimized one.
  • After that, she asked Reverse Integer.
  • The interview lasted for about 1 hour and 15 minutes and I gave answers to all questions and solved all the problems with an optimized approach.

After this Round 11 students were selected for the next round.

2nd Technical Interview: –

  • The interview started with my Introduction
  • He asked to me find the length of the array without using any inbuilt functions.
  • After that, He asked me If I knew Linked List or not and I said Yes, he asked me to find the length of the linked list.
  • After that, he modified the problem and asked me to find the length of the linked list if the linked list has a cycle.
  • After that, he asked me a basic question like: What is Tree, Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, DFS?
  • After that, he asked me Number of islands problem.
  • After that, he asked me to open my projects and discuss about my projects.
  • The interview lasted for about 1 hour and 15 minutes and I solved all the problems.
  • The interviewer was happy with me and gave suggestions to add 1 more project as I already had 2 projects in my resume.

After this round, 10 students were selected for the next and final round.

3rd Technical Interview: –

  • The interview started with my Intro.
  • He then asked me to open projects and discussed the projects with me about the tech stack.
  • After that, he asked Sliding Window Maximum I first gave a brute force approach and then he asked me to optimize that and write code on any local or online compiler.
  • After that, he asked me the question: –
  • Given a set of movie datasets given the genre of movies and you are given the input set of genres you need to tell which movies come under this genre
  • Input: –




Horror, Comedy


Comedy, Sci-fi, Action, Documentary


Horror, Sci-fi, Action, Documentary


Comedy, Action

  • Testcases





Comedy, Action


Sci-fi, Action, Documentary


  • I told him the brute force one then he told me to optimize what I did using a map by storing all the genres and doing some precomputation and I did in time complexity of O(K*NlogN).
  • He asked me to optimize further and I tried but I was not able to come up with a more optimized approach till now I have not been able to solve this question I once tried to solve this using Trie data structures but was unable to do that also.
  • If anyone gets the intuition of this problem feel free to answer.
  • The interview lasted about 1 hour and 10 minutes

After this round, 4 students were finally selected.

Final Verdict – Rejected

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