Brane Enterprise Interview Experience

Round 1 (Aptitude + Technical MCQ’s):

  • Brane Enterprise visited our college for on-campus placements, and the first round was an online test.
  • The round consisted of 30 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) on aptitude and 15 MCQs on Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA).
  • The difficulty level of this round was considered easy. It required basic knowledge of computer subjects and good aptitude skills.

Fortunately, I managed to qualify for Round 2. I received a notification regarding my qualification after 2-3 days of taking the test.

Round 2 (Online Technical Interview Round-1):

  • The second round was an online technical interview that focused solely on coding.
  • One of the best parts of this round was that the interviewer allowed me to choose the programming language I was most comfortable with. I opted for C++ to solve the coding problems he provided.
  • In this round, I had to solve three problems. The difficulty level was again considered easy. The test was hosted on HackerEarth, and here are the problems I was given:
  1. Palindrome Check
  2. Sum as per Frequency
  3. Infinity Array

Thanks to my preparation from w3wiki, I was able to solve all three problems confidently and received positive feedback from the interviewer on my explanation skills.

Round 3 (Technical Interview – 2):

  • This round was again conducted as a face-to-face technical interview. The interviewer was friendly and made me feel comfortable right from the start. He began by asking me to describe myself, and then he inquired about my family background.
  • Following that, he asked about the programming language I had chosen in the previous coding round and the reason behind my choice. I explained my preference for C++ and its advantages in solving coding problems.
  • Then, I was given two LeetCode links and asked to solve the problems they led to. Both questions were of hard difficulty level:
  1. Rotting Oranges
  2. LRU Cache

After tackling the coding problems, the interviewer proceeded to ask me some technical questions related to Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) and Object-Oriented Programming (OOPs). Fortunately, I was well-prepared and managed to answer all the questions confidently.

I am happy to share that I successfully qualified for this round as well.

Overall, the interview experience at Brane Enterprise was quite positive. The questions were challenging but manageable, and the interviewers were friendly and encouraging throughout the process.

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