Boyer Moore Algorithm in Python

Boyer-Moore algorithm is an efficient string search algorithm that is particularly useful for large-scale searches. Unlike some other string search algorithms, the Boyer-Moore does not require preprocessing, making it ideal where the sample is relatively large relative to the data being searched.

What is Boyer Moore Algorithm?

The Boyer-Moore algorithm works by searching for information from left to right, and comparing it to a pattern from right to left. There are two main ways to judge comparisons:

  1. Bad Character Rule: When a mismatch occurs, the algorithm adjusts the sample to match the last mismatch in the sample to the mismatch in the text This is done by ‘bad character’ conversion the calculation of the .
  2. Good suffix rule: If there is a mismatch and the mismatch character in the pattern is nowhere else in the pattern from the left, the algorithm shifts the pattern to the right by referring to the pattern itself on the s. This is done by calculating a ‘good faith’ adjustment.

The proper application of this rule reduces the number of color comparisons necessary to determine the appearance of a pattern in a Boyer-Moore text.

Python Implementation for Boyer Moore Algorithm:

Below is the Python implementation of Boyer Moore Algorithm:

# Python3 Program for Bad Character Heuristic
# of Boyer Moore String Matching Algorithm


def badCharHeuristic(string, size):
    The preprocessing function for
    Boyer Moore's bad character heuristic

    # Initialize all occurrence as -1
    badChar = [-1]*NO_OF_CHARS

    # Fill the actual value of last occurrence
    for i in range(size):
        badChar[ord(string[i])] = i

    # return initialized list
    return badChar

def search(txt, pat):
    A pattern searching function that uses Bad Character
    Heuristic of Boyer Moore Algorithm
    m = len(pat)
    n = len(txt)

    # create the bad character list by calling
    # the preprocessing function badCharHeuristic()
    # for given pattern
    badChar = badCharHeuristic(pat, m)

    # s is shift of the pattern with respect to text
    s = 0
    while(s <= n-m):
        j = m-1

        # Keep reducing index j of pattern while
        # characters of pattern and text are matching
        # at this shift s
        while j >= 0 and pat[j] == txt[s+j]:
            j -= 1

        # If the pattern is present at current shift,
        # then index j will become -1 after the above loop
        if j < 0:
            print("Pattern occur at shift = {}".format(s))

                Shift the pattern so that the next character in text
                    aligns with the last occurrence of it in pattern.
                The condition s+m < n is necessary for the case when
                pattern occurs at the end of text
            s += (m-badChar[ord(txt[s+m])] if s+m < n else 1)
            Shift the pattern so that the bad character in text
            aligns with the last occurrence of it in pattern. The
            max function is used to make sure that we get a positive
            shift. We may get a negative shift if the last occurrence
            of bad character in pattern is on the right side of the
            current character.
            s += max(1, j-badChar[ord(txt[s+j])])

# Driver program to test above function
def main():
    txt = "ABAAABCD"
    pat = "ABC"
    search(txt, pat)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Pattern occur at shift = 4

Time Complexity: O(m*n)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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