Boyer Moore Algorithm | Good Suffix heuristic

We have already discussed

variation of Boyer Moore algorithm. In this article we will discuss

Good Suffix

heuristic for pattern searching. Just like bad character heuristic, a preprocessing table is generated for good suffix heuristic.

Good Suffix Heuristic



be substring of text


which is matched with substring of pattern


. Now we shift pattern until : 1) Another occurrence of t in P matched with t in T. 2) A prefix of P, which matches with suffix of t 3) P moves past t

Case 1: Another occurrence of t in P matched with t in T

Pattern P might contain few more occurrences of


. In such case, we will try to shift the pattern to align that occurrence with t in text T. For example-


In the above example, we have got a substring t of text T matched with pattern P (in green) before mismatch at index 2. Now we will search for occurrence of t (“AB”) in P. We have found an occurrence starting at position 1 (in yellow background) so we will right shift the pattern 2 times to align t in P with t in T. This is weak rule of original Boyer Moore and not much effective, we will discuss a

Strong Good Suffix rule


Case 2: A prefix of P, which matches with suffix of t in T

It is not always likely that we will find the occurrence of t in P. Sometimes there is no occurrence at all, in such cases sometimes we can search for some

suffix of t

matching with some

prefix of P

and try to align them by shifting P. For example –


In above example, we have got t (“BAB”) matched with P (in green) at index 2-4 before mismatch . But because there exists no occurrence of t in P we will search for some prefix of P which matches with some suffix of t. We have found prefix “AB” (in the yellow background) starting at index 0 which matches not with whole t but the suffix of t “AB” starting at index 3. So now we will shift pattern 3 times to align prefix with the suffix.

Case 3: P moves past t

If the above two cases are not satisfied, we will shift the pattern past the t. For example –


If above example, there exist no occurrence of t (“AB”) in P and also there is no prefix in P which matches with the suffix of t. So, in that case, we can never find any perfect match before index 4, so we will shift the P past the t ie. to index 5.

Strong Good suffix Heuristic

Suppose substring

q = P[i to n]

got matched with


in T and

c = P[i-1]

is the mismatching character. Now unlike case 1 we will search for t in P which is not preceded by character


. The closest such occurrence is then aligned with t in T by shifting pattern P. For example –


In above example,

q = P[7 to 8]

got matched with t in T. The mismatching character


is “C” at position P[6]. Now if we start searching t in P we will get the first occurrence of t starting at position 4. But this occurrence is preceded by “C” which is equal to c, so we will skip this and carry on searching. At position 1 we got another occurrence of t (in the yellow background). This occurrence is preceded by “A” (in blue) which is not equivalent to c. So we will shift pattern P 6 times to align this occurrence with t in T.We are doing this because we already know that character

c = “C”

causes the mismatch. So any occurrence of t preceded by c will again cause mismatch when aligned with t, so that’s why it is better to skip this.

Preprocessing for Good suffix heuristic

As a part of preprocessing, an array


is created. Each entry


contain the distance pattern will shift if mismatch occur at position


. That is, the suffix of pattern starting at position


is matched and a mismatch occur at position


. Preprocessing is done separately for strong good suffix and case 2 discussed above.

1) Preprocessing for Strong Good Suffix

Before discussing preprocessing, let us first discuss the idea of border. A


is a substring which is both proper suffix and proper prefix. For example, in string




is a border,


is a border because it appears in both end of string but


is not a border. As a part of preprocessing an array


(border position) is calculated. Each entry


contains the starting index of border for suffix starting at index i in given pattern P. The suffix


beginning at position m has no border, so


is set to




is the length of the pattern. The shift position is obtained by the borders which cannot be extended to the left. Following is the code for preprocessing –

void preprocess_strong_suffix(int *shift, int *bpos,
char *pat, int m)
int i = m, j = m+1;
bpos[i] = j;
while(i > 0)
while(j <= m && pat[i-1] != pat[j-1])
if (shift[j] == 0)
shift[j] = j-i;
j = bpos[j];
i--; j--;
bpos[i] = j;


Consider pattern

P = “ABBABAB”, m = 7


  • The widest border of suffix “AB” beginning at position i = 5 is ?(nothing) starting at position 7 so bpos[5] = 7.
  • At position i = 2 the suffix is “BABAB”. The widest border for this suffix is “BAB” starting at position 4, so j = bpos[2] = 4.
  • We can understand
  • bpos[i] = j
  • using following example –
  • If character
  • #
  • Which is at position
  • i-1
  • is equivalent to character
  • ?
  • at position
  • j-1
  • , we know that border will be
  • ? + border of suffix at position i
  • which is starting at position
  • j
  • which is equivalent to saying that
  • border of suffix at i-1 begin at j-1
  • or
  • bpos[ i-1 ] = j-1
  • or in the code –
  • i--; 
    bpos[ i ] = j

  • But if character
  • #
  • at position
  • i-1
  • do not match with character
  • ?
  • at position
  • j-1
  • then we continue our search to the right. Now we know that –
    1. Border width will be smaller than the border starting at position j ie. smaller than x…?
    2. Border has to begin with # and end with ? or could be empty (no border exist).
  • With above two facts we will continue our search in sub string
  • x…?
  • from position
  • j to m
  • . The next border should be at
  • j = bpos[j]
  • . After updating
  • j
  • , we again compare character at position
  • j-1 (?)
  • with # and if they are equal then we got our border otherwise we continue our search to right
  • until j>m
  • . This process is shown by code –
  • while(j <= m && pat[i-1] != pat[j-1])
    j = bpos[j];
    i--; j--;

  • In above code look at these conditions –
  • pat[i-1] != pat[j-1] 

  • This is the condition which we discussed in case 2. When the character preceding the occurrence of t in pattern P is different than mismatching character in P, we stop skipping the occurrences and shift the pattern. So here
  • P[i] == P[j]
  • but
  • P[i-1] != p[j-1]
  • so we shift pattern from
  • i to j
  • . So
  • shift[j] = j-i
  • is recorder for
  • j
  • . So whenever any mismatch occur at position
  • j
  • we will shift the pattern
  • shift[j+1]
  • positions to the right. In above code the following condition is very important –
  • if (shift[j] == 0 )

  • This condition prevent modification of
  • shift[j]
  • value from suffix having same border. For example, Consider pattern
  • P = “addbddcdd”
  • , when we calculate bpos[ i-1 ] for i = 4 then j = 7 in this case. we will be eventually setting value of shift[ 7 ] = 3. Now if we calculate bpos[ i-1 ] for i = 1 then j = 7 and we will be setting value shift[ 7 ] = 6 again if there is no test shift[ j ] == 0. This mean if we have a mismatch at position 6 we will shift pattern P 3 positions to right not 6 position.
  • 2) Preprocessing for Case 2
  • In the preprocessing for case 2, for each suffix the
  • widest border of the whole pattern
  • that is contained in that suffix is determined. The starting position of the widest border of the pattern at all is stored in
  • bpos[0]
  • In the following preprocessing algorithm, this value bpos[0] is stored initially in all free entries of array shift. But when the suffix of the pattern becomes shorter than bpos[0], the algorithm continues with the next-wider border of the pattern, i.e. with bpos[j]. Following is the implementation of the search algorithm –
  • C++

    /* C program for Boyer Moore Algorithm with
       Good Suffix heuristic to find pattern in
       given text string */
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    // preprocessing for strong good suffix rule
    void preprocess_strong_suffix(int *shift, int *bpos,
                                    char *pat, int m)
        // m is the length of pattern
        int i=m, j=m+1;
            /*if character at position i-1 is not equivalent to
              character at j-1, then continue searching to right
              of the pattern for border */
            while(j<=m && pat[i-1] != pat[j-1])
                /* the character preceding the occurrence of t in
                   pattern P is different than the mismatching character in P,
                   we stop skipping the occurrences and shift the pattern
                   from i to j */
                if (shift[j]==0)
                    shift[j] = j-i;
                //Update the position of next border
                j = bpos[j];
            /* p[i-1] matched with p[j-1], border is found.
               store the  beginning position of border */
            bpos[i] = j;
    //Preprocessing for case 2
    void preprocess_case2(int *shift, int *bpos,
                          char *pat, int m)
        int i, j;
        j = bpos[0];
        for(i=0; i<=m; i++)
            /* set the border position of the first character of the pattern
               to all indices in array shift having shift[i] = 0 */
                shift[i] = j;
            /* suffix becomes shorter than bpos[0], use the position of
               next widest border as value of j */
            if (i==j)
                j = bpos[j];
    /*Search for a pattern in given text using
      Boyer Moore algorithm with Good suffix rule */
    void search(char *text, char *pat)
        // s is shift of the pattern with respect to text
        int s=0, j;
        int m = strlen(pat);
        int n = strlen(text);
        int bpos[m+1], shift[m+1];
        //initialize all occurrence of shift to 0
        for(int i=0;i<m+1;i++) shift[i]=0;
        //do preprocessing
        preprocess_strong_suffix(shift, bpos, pat, m);
        preprocess_case2(shift, bpos, pat, m);
        while(s <= n-m)
            j = m-1;
            /* Keep reducing index j of pattern while characters of
                 pattern and text are matching at this shift s*/
            while(j >= 0 && pat[j] == text[s+j])
            /* If the pattern is present at the current shift, then index j
                 will become -1 after the above loop */
            if (j<0)
                printf("pattern occurs at shift = %d\n", s);
                s += shift[0];
                /*pat[i] != pat[s+j] so shift the pattern
                  shift[j+1] times  */
                s += shift[j+1];
    int main()
        char text[] = "ABAAAABAACD";
        char pat[] = "ABA";
        search(text, pat);
        return 0;



    /* Java program for Boyer Moore Algorithm with
    Good Suffix heuristic to find pattern in
    given text string */
    class GFG
    // preprocessing for strong good suffix rule
    static void preprocess_strong_suffix(int []shift, int []bpos,
                                          char []pat, int m)
        // m is the length of pattern
        int i = m, j = m + 1;
        bpos[i] = j;
        while(i > 0)
            /*if character at position i-1 is not
            equivalent to character at j-1, then
            continue searching to right of the
            pattern for border */
            while(j <= m && pat[i - 1] != pat[j - 1])
                /* the character preceding the occurrence of t
                in pattern P is different than the mismatching
                character in P, we stop skipping the occurrences
                and shift the pattern from i to j */
                if (shift[j] == 0)
                    shift[j] = j - i;
                //Update the position of next border
                j = bpos[j];
            /* p[i-1] matched with p[j-1], border is found.
            store the beginning position of border */
            i--; j--;
            bpos[i] = j;
    //Preprocessing for case 2
    static void preprocess_case2(int []shift, int []bpos,
                                  char []pat, int m)
        int i, j;
        j = bpos[0];
        for(i = 0; i <= m; i++)
            /* set the border position of the first character
            of the pattern to all indices in array shift
            having shift[i] = 0 */
            if(shift[i] == 0)
                shift[i] = j;
            /* suffix becomes shorter than bpos[0],
            use the position of next widest border
            as value of j */
            if (i == j)
                j = bpos[j];
    /*Search for a pattern in given text using
    Boyer Moore algorithm with Good suffix rule */
    static void search(char []text, char []pat)
        // s is shift of the pattern
        // with respect to text
        int s = 0, j;
        int m = pat.length;
        int n = text.length;
        int []bpos = new int[m + 1];
        int []shift = new int[m + 1];
        //initialize all occurrence of shift to 0
        for(int i = 0; i < m + 1; i++)
            shift[i] = 0;
        //do preprocessing
        preprocess_strong_suffix(shift, bpos, pat, m);
        preprocess_case2(shift, bpos, pat, m);
        while(s <= n - m)
            j = m - 1;
            /* Keep reducing index j of pattern while
            characters of pattern and text are matching
            at this shift s*/
            while(j >= 0 && pat[j] == text[s+j])
            /* If the pattern is present at the current shift,
            then index j will become -1 after the above loop */
            if (j < 0)
                System.out.printf("pattern occurs at shift = %d\n", s);
                s += shift[0];
                /*pat[i] != pat[s+j] so shift the pattern
                shift[j+1] times */
                s += shift[j + 1];
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        char []text = "ABAAAABAACD".toCharArray();
        char []pat = "ABA".toCharArray();
        search(text, pat);
    // This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar



    # Python3 program for Boyer Moore Algorithm with
    # Good Suffix heuristic to find pattern in
    # given text string
    # preprocessing for strong good suffix rule
    def preprocess_strong_suffix(shift, bpos, pat, m):
        # m is the length of pattern
        i = m
        j = m + 1
        bpos[i] = j
        while i > 0:
            '''if character at position i-1 is
            not equivalent to character at j-1,
            then continue searching to right
            of the pattern for border '''
            while j <= m and pat[i - 1] != pat[j - 1]:
                ''' the character preceding the occurrence
                of t in pattern P is different than the
                mismatching character in P, we stop skipping
                the occurrences and shift the pattern
                from i to j '''
                if shift[j] == 0:
                    shift[j] = j - i
                # Update the position of next border
                j = bpos[j]
            ''' p[i-1] matched with p[j-1], border is found.
            store the beginning position of border '''
            i -= 1
            j -= 1
            bpos[i] = j
    # Preprocessing for case 2
    def preprocess_case2(shift, bpos, pat, m):
        j = bpos[0]
        for i in range(m + 1):
            ''' set the border position of the first character
            of the pattern to all indices in array shift
            having shift[i] = 0 '''
            if shift[i] == 0:
                shift[i] = j
            ''' suffix becomes shorter than bpos[0],
            use the position of next widest border
            as value of j '''
            if i == j:
                j = bpos[j]
    '''Search for a pattern in given text using
    Boyer Moore algorithm with Good suffix rule '''
    def search(text, pat):
        # s is shift of the pattern with respect to text
        s = 0
        m = len(pat)
        n = len(text)
        bpos = [0] * (m + 1)
        # initialize all occurrence of shift to 0
        shift = [0] * (m + 1)
        # do preprocessing
        preprocess_strong_suffix(shift, bpos, pat, m)
        preprocess_case2(shift, bpos, pat, m)
        while s <= n - m:
            j = m - 1
            ''' Keep reducing index j of pattern while characters of
                pattern and text are matching at this shift s'''
            while j >= 0 and pat[j] == text[s + j]:
                j -= 1
            ''' If the pattern is present at the current shift,
                then index j will become -1 after the above loop '''
            if j < 0:
                print("pattern occurs at shift = %d" % s)
                s += shift[0]
                '''pat[i] != pat[s+j] so shift the pattern
                shift[j+1] times '''
                s += shift[j + 1]
    # Driver Code
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        text = "ABAAAABAACD"
        pat = "ABA"
        search(text, pat)
    # This code is contributed by
    # sanjeev2552



    /* C# program for Boyer Moore Algorithm with
    Good Suffix heuristic to find pattern in
    given text string */
    using System;
    class GFG
    // preprocessing for strong good suffix rule
    static void preprocess_strong_suffix(int []shift,
                                         int []bpos,
                                         char []pat, int m)
        // m is the length of pattern
        int i = m, j = m + 1;
        bpos[i] = j;
        while(i > 0)
            /*if character at position i-1 is not
            equivalent to character at j-1, then
            continue searching to right of the
            pattern for border */
            while(j <= m && pat[i - 1] != pat[j - 1])
                /* the character preceding the occurrence of t
                in pattern P is different than the mismatching
                character in P, we stop skipping the occurrences
                and shift the pattern from i to j */
                if (shift[j] == 0)
                    shift[j] = j - i;
                //Update the position of next border
                j = bpos[j];
            /* p[i-1] matched with p[j-1], border is found.
            store the beginning position of border */
            i--; j--;
            bpos[i] = j;
    //Preprocessing for case 2
    static void preprocess_case2(int []shift, int []bpos,
                                 char []pat, int m)
        int i, j;
        j = bpos[0];
        for(i = 0; i <= m; i++)
            /* set the border position of the first character
            of the pattern to all indices in array shift
            having shift[i] = 0 */
            if(shift[i] == 0)
                shift[i] = j;
            /* suffix becomes shorter than bpos[0],
            use the position of next widest border
            as value of j */
            if (i == j)
                j = bpos[j];
    /*Search for a pattern in given text using
    Boyer Moore algorithm with Good suffix rule */
    static void search(char []text, char []pat)
        // s is shift of the pattern
        // with respect to text
        int s = 0, j;
        int m = pat.Length;
        int n = text.Length;
        int []bpos = new int[m + 1];
        int []shift = new int[m + 1];
        // initialize all occurrence of shift to 0
        for(int i = 0; i < m + 1; i++)
            shift[i] = 0;
        // do preprocessing
        preprocess_strong_suffix(shift, bpos, pat, m);
        preprocess_case2(shift, bpos, pat, m);
        while(s <= n - m)
            j = m - 1;
            /* Keep reducing index j of pattern while
            characters of pattern and text are matching
            at this shift s*/
            while(j >= 0 && pat[j] == text[s + j])
            /* If the pattern is present at the current shift,
            then index j will become -1 after the above loop */
            if (j < 0)
                Console.Write("pattern occurs at shift = {0}\n", s);
                s += shift[0];
                /*pat[i] != pat[s+j] so shift the pattern
                shift[j+1] times */
                s += shift[j + 1];
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main(String[] args)
        char []text = "ABAAAABAACD".ToCharArray();
        char []pat = "ABA".ToCharArray();
        search(text, pat);
    // This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992



    // Preprocessing for strong good suffix rule
    function preprocessStrongSuffix(shift, bpos, pat, m) {
        let i = m;
        let j = m + 1;
        bpos[i] = j;
        while (i > 0) {
            // If character at position i-1 is not equivalent to character at j-1,
            // then continue searching to the right of the pattern for a border.
            while (j <= m && pat[i - 1] !== pat[j - 1]) {
                // The character preceding the occurrence of t in pattern P is different
                // than the mismatching character in P, so stop skipping the occurrences
                // and shift the pattern from i to j.
                if (shift[j] === 0) {
                    shift[j] = j - i;
                // Update the position of the next border.
                j = bpos[j];
            // pat[i-1] matched with pat[j-1], a border is found.
            // Store the beginning position of the border.
            bpos[i] = j;
    // Preprocessing for case 2
    function preprocessCase2(shift, bpos, pat, m) {
        let j = bpos[0];
        for (let i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
            // Set the border position of the first character of the pattern
            // to all indices in the shift array having shift[i] = 0.
            if (shift[i] === 0) {
                shift[i] = j;
            // If the suffix becomes shorter than bpos[0], use the position of
            // the next widest border as the value of j.
            if (i === j) {
                j = bpos[j];
    // Search for a pattern in given text using Boyer-Moore algorithm with Good Suffix rule
    function search(text, pat) {
        let s = 0;
        let j;
        const m = pat.length;
        const n = text.length;
        const bpos = new Array(m + 1);
        const shift = new Array(m + 1).fill(0);
        // Initialize all occurrences of shift to 0
        for (let i = 0; i < m + 1; i++) {
            shift[i] = 0;
        // Perform preprocessing
        preprocessStrongSuffix(shift, bpos, pat, m);
        preprocessCase2(shift, bpos, pat, m);
        while (s <= n - m) {
            j = m - 1;
            // Keep reducing index j of pattern while characters of
            // pattern and text are matching at this shift s
            while (j >= 0 && pat[j] === text[s + j]) {
            // If the pattern is present at the current shift, then index j
            // will become -1 after the above loop
            if (j < 0) {
                console.log(`Pattern occurs at shift = ${s}`);
                s += shift[0];
            } else {
                // pat[i] != pat[s+j] so shift the pattern shift[j+1] times
                s += shift[j + 1];
    // Driver
    function main() {
        const text = "ABAAAABAACD";
        const pat = "ABA";
        search(text, pat);


  • Output:
  • pattern occurs at shift = 0
    pattern occurs at shift = 5

  • References
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