Axis Bank Virtual Interview Experience for Full-Time Analyst

Company: Axis Bank

Role: Analyst (Full-Time)

Date: 13th October 2020

Location: Mumbai/Bangalore

Mode of test and interview: Virtual

Axis Bank came to the institute for Final Year Full-Time placements and Third Year Internships. The roles offered for final years were Analytics, Digital Product Owner and Information Technology. For internships, only Digital Product Owner and Analytics were offered.

(This article is for the final year full time applicants)

Round 1 (Aptitude Test):

It was conducted on the “Talent Central” platform and candidates were given a 2-hour slot to attempt the test. It was common for all roles, and consisted of 4 sections-

  1. Numerical Reasoning: 25 minutes, 22 questions, 3-4 questions per set (tested how well you can glean information from visually represented data such as graphs and charts, as well as how proficient you are in numerical calculations and speed)
  2. Inductive Reasoning: 25 minutes, 24 questions (tested how good your logical thinking is and again tested your speed and ability to think under the time pressure)
  3. Personality Test: 30 minutes, 45 questions (gave situations and asked us to pick first and second closest options to our response to the situation, tested your suitability for the role)
  4. Verbal Reasoning: 19 minutes, 16 questions, 2-3 questions per passage (tested your English comprehension skills and how quick you were at reading and understanding short passages and answering questions based on them)

A score of more than 80% in the 1st 2nd and 4th tests seemed to be sufficient to clear the round, the criteria from the 3rd test was unclear.

A total of 30 candidates were shortlisted for interviews, of which 14 were for the position of analyst, 6 for technology and 10 for digital product owner. The shortlist was received 5 days after the test and 1 day before the interviews.

Round 2 (Technical + HR):

Round 2 began with an hour-long preplacement talk from the company, followed by interviews. The interviewees were divided into 10 panels (internship and full time both) according to their test scores, and interviews proceeded for roughly a total of 5-6 hours.

In the panel I was in, the interviews went on for 40-45 minutes each, while the 2nd panel for analysts conducted 15-20-minute interviews. There were 2 panelists in each panel for analyst interviews, and there was just 1 round of interviews. (Digital Product Owner had 2 rounds in some panels and 1 round in some panels, it was a flexible structure, up to the discretion of the panelists.)

The interview began with the standard tell me about yourself, after which we moved on to discussing my internships and the projects I had worked on in them. They then asked me to explain 2 of my favorite internships or projects and both were discussed in detail. One of them was a financial research internship which one of the panelists was especially interested and we discussed it for almost 7-10 minutes. Following that my project for my third-year summer internship was discussed for another 7-10 minutes.

They then proceeded to some technical questions (I had mentioned python on my resume) and spent 10-15 minutes discussing python codes and technicalities. They tested how sure I was about the concepts and how well I knew details of concepts such as mutability, comprehension, memory management, etc. Some of the questions were:

  • What are the various datatypes in python (“Lists, Dictionaries, Tuples, Sets, and we can import modules like numpy or pandas to get datatypes like arrays and dataframes”, the interviewer asked me twice if i wanted to add more datatypes)
  • Differences between tuples, sets and lists
  • Explanation of what dictionaries are and how to use them.
  • What data type would you use if you wanted it to be immutable, and the datatype should not have any repetitions in the elements? (I said I didn’t know and the interviewer went ahead with more questions).
  • What are lambda functions, How to use lambda functions, Can they be used multiple times in a program
  • What is list comprehension

Post that the second panelist asked me to estimate the weight of a Boeing 707, and to outline the calculations I was making while making the said estimation. They focused more on how detailed and thought out my estimations were rather than the actual value of it (I checked the actual value later and was off by a hefty margin).

After this they were about to end the interview before I interrupted them to ask if I could ask them some questions I had regarding the job and company, which they happily obliged (It’s always a good practice to ask questions even if they forget to ask you if you have any questions since it shows them that you are interested in the job. If the questions are related to something mentioned in the preplacement talk, or from their website, it’s an added bonus.)

Post the interviews, we received the results in 2 hours and a total of 10 candidates were selected for the full time roles, 6 for analyst, 1 for technology and 3 for digital product owner, and I was one of them????.

Some tips for interview and preparation:

  1. Prepare for the aptitude section well from online resources such as aptitude tests on GFG, and websites such as Indiabix and Testpot.
  2. Structure your resume well, and do not oversell nor undersell yourself, since most of the focus is on what you mention on it and how authentic you are in doing so.
  3. Revise your projects and internships well before interviews, including concepts related to what you have used in the same.
  4. If you do not know the answer to a technical question, it’s absolutely okay to tell the interviewer that you do not know the answer but ensure that it does not happen more than once or twice.
  5. Be sure of what answers you give; the interviewer might try to trip you up just to check if you’re bluffing or are actually sure.
  6. ALWAYS ask questions at the end of the interview, it shows your interest in the job.

If you need any further clarifications or information, leave a comment below!
Good Luck with your interviews!

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