Atlassian Grad SWE Interview Experience | On Campus FTE

Round 1: Coding Round

The test was conducted on HackerRank and was for 1:30 hours. About 100 students were shortlisted on the basis of CV and CGPA performance. The test had the questions in the following questions (details changed for privacy)

1. Easy (50 points): Convert string to numbers based on a cipher strategy

2. Medium (75 points): The question was similar to meet-in-the-middle Knapsack, using split DP, but the test cases were allowing a basic DP approach. However, the constraint would have required the splitting of the array (size = 42 and weights<=1e9)

3. Hard (100 points): Create an array of a given size (N<=1e9) using numbers in given range (l, r <= 1e9) such that numbers can be repeated and the sum is even. This question couldn’t be done using N choose K, Factorial, or DigitDP and required Binomial Mathematics, after which it became O(logN) for finding mod-power.

Round 2: Technical Round 1
About 15 people cleared this coding round and interviews were scheduled. The interviewer was very interactive and we discussed the Hackerrank Codes, Resume Projects, Previous Internships, and Research. We spent a lot of time discussing Graph Algorithms like BFS, DFS, Dijkstra, Bi-directional BFS, and heuristic approaches like PageRank, and A* for graph analysis. Basic tree and graph questions based on Self-balancing RB Trees and DFS connected islands were asked. Majorly, it depended on how you presented yourself.

The round was a Zoom meeting lasting 1 hour, most of the people made it through this round

Round 3: Technical Round 2

My  Interviewer for this round was very senior and highly experienced. One of the best interactions about the work at Atlassian and the gradient of roles and evolution from Graduate to Manager was thoroughly highlighted by him. The questions were majorly around my internships. Technical Questions:

1. Moore’s Voting – Majority Element
2. Phonebook System Design and working of HDFS
3. Threading in Java
4. HashMap implementation methods

Round 4: Values Round
In my opinion, this is the true reason that Atlassian is the mountain that can’t be toppled. This is probably the most important round as it checks the actual fit of the student. My interview was taken by a very experienced person who had built his previous company’s headquarters and Atlassian’s Headquarters from scratch, recruiting the best talent. This was a conversation around life goals, mission statements, and the 5 golden Atlassian values.

Final Verdict

All the interviewers gathered and made collective decisions on the basis of all the interviews. For me and 4 other people, the result was positive. I am blessed to be part of the great team!

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