Army Officer Technical Entry Scheme(TES-43) Interview Experience

I attended an interview for TES-43 entry at 18-SSB Allahabad. Coming towards my SSB experience this was my first opportunity to showcase myself for an SSB interview usual, everyone was like Allahabad is a rejection Centre and chances are less.

But keeping all my hopes high, I packed my bags and got ready for it.

First-Day :

About 275 candidates reported and I was given chest number 16 among them. We were divided into groups of 15 candidates each. As usual, there was a fish market in the group discussion but you need to find that void in between and speak your part. Again group length doesn’t matter since they further divide the group if not properly heard. There were 4 accessors who were accessing my group. My chest number was last and I spoke at last after hearing each candidate clearly. I have given the conclusion of the story on behalf of my group. 29 candidates got screened and we were given new chest numbers. I was chest number 14, we all were given our beds and this was my all-new experience.

Second-Day :

Coming to the 2nd day we had our psychology tests. Stay what you are as it shows your own personality so never try to be someone else. I followed this strategy and did my tests.

My interview happened on 3rd day and it went for around 40-45 minutes. I was asked questions about myself, my general awareness, and my view on current affairs. And he also asked about sports which I have mentioned in my PIQ that was Kho-Kho(District level) and hockey.

Third-Day and Fourth-Day

On the 3rd and 4th days we had GTO, I actively participated in all tasks and activities and completed all 11 individual obstacles. Again the number of times you participate does not matter what you speak matters so be clear, precise, and confident with what you speak. The 5th day was a conference where I was asked about my stay and my experience with the same. It went for 4-5 minutes.

After that, we had our results and 3 students got recommended from our batch. Those 5 days were the best days of my life when we were treated like officers. Our CO had given us a motivating speech at last.

I would like to conclude this by saying everyone is a leader and officer in themselves. So stay what you are as you’ll outshine much great then. And you’ll definitely get the best thing in your life if you sincerely work hard.

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