AppViewX Interview Experience for Software Engineer | On-Campus 2021

Eligibility Criteria:

  • BTech CSE, ECE, EEE students with CGPA of 7 and above.

The process of hiring consisted of 6 Rounds totally:

  • Online MCQ and coding test.
  • GD round
  • Technical Round 1
  • Technical Round 2
  • Managerial Round
  • Hr round

Round 1: Online MCQ and coding test 

The test consisted of 10 aptitude questions which were easy-medium level and were solvable, there were two core CSE theory MCQ questions related to OS and networks. There were 3 coding questions that were also easy-medium level and were from the topic Arrays and strings. Anyone with good practice of coding can solve these questions easily.

Round 2: GD round

  • After 300 students attempting the first round, 42 people were shortlisted for this round. There were 6 GD teams and each team consisted of 7 members. For our team, the GD topic was “Which one is preferable either work from home or work from office”. People who were able to share their views properly were selected for the next round.

Round 3: Technical Round 1

  • This round was 30 mins long. The interviewer asked me about my projects and he also asked me about the security aspect of my project(how can I assure security to clients in my project)  and the drawbacks of my projects. He also asked me few questions from java. This round was easy-medium and anyone with good knowledge of what they kept in their resume can clear this round. Nearly 30 people cleared this round.

Round 4: Technical Round 2

  • In this round, I was expecting some coding questions and questions from core CSE but the situation was totally different. The interviewer was really cool and he asked me to describe the place I Live in. He also asked me what I know about the IT industry. Then he asked me to run one of my projects in the local machine and asked me about different modules in my project. He asked me the difference between RAM and ROM, CPU and GPU, etc which were related to OS and hardware. He was impressed with my academic scores and also he asked me about the company. The difficulty of this round was medium and was 30 mins long. Nearly 20 people cleared this round.

Round 5: Managerial Round

This round was also about 30 mins long. The interviewer asked me these questions:

Some HR questions were also asked which were commonly asked. Nearly 8 people cleared this round.

Round 6: HR Round

  • This was a formal HR round and few questions about me and about my family were asked, they also asked me few HR questions (like why should we hire you, etc). This round was 10-15 minutes long.

After all rounds, 8 people have been selected for the Software Engineer role.

Verdict: Selected for Software Engineer role.

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