Appinventiv Interview Experience for Software Engineer (Off-Campus)

There was a total of 3 rounds.

1. Online Aptitude test

  • It contains around 40 MCQ.
  • Time is given 2Hr.
  • Topic based on C, C++, Java, OS, OOPS, Aptitude, and English.

2. Technical Interview Round

  • This round took 1 hour.
  • The technical Lead of the company conducted this interview.
  • Mostly he was concerned about my current experience(The work I was doing there) I was doing an internship at Samsung Noida so in the starting he asked about the work culture then the learnings and projects were assigned to me as an Android developer there.
  • He asked one DSA basic question (Reverse a String).
  • The next question was related to OOPs (Difference between Abstraction and Interfaces in JAVA).
  • I was given a SQL query (Write the Name of employees working under the same Manager).
  • In the end, he asked some Psychometrics (Situation Based questions).

3. Another Technical interview / HR round

  • This time VP of the company came for the interview. It was finished in just 15 Minutes.
  • He asked the basic Android questions (Activity’s lifecycle, Google map Api Implementation) and technologies I used during my internship.
  • Then he asked DBMS questions (What is Normalization and Difference between 1NF and 3NF).
  • The last question was (What do you know about Appinventiv).

Thanks, This was my experience of Appinventiv : ) 

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