Angular 6.0

In this article, we will see What’s New and Improved in Angular 6.0. Angular 6.0 was released in May 2018, bringing a range of new features and improvements to the popular front-end framework. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most notable changes in this version.

  • RxJS 6: Angular 6.0 comes with an updated version of RxJS, a library for reactive programming. RxJS 6 introduces several new features and improvements, including better performance, simplified imports, and improved error handling. One of the most significant changes in RxJS 6 is the introduction of “pipeable operators.” This new syntax makes it easier to compose operators and avoid nested subscriptions, improving the readability and maintainability of reactive code.
  • Angular Elements: Angular 6.0 introduces a new feature called Angular Elements, which allows developers to create custom elements using Angular components. Custom elements are a web standard that allows you to create reusable, encapsulated components that can be used across different frameworks and platforms. Angular Elements makes it easier to create custom elements by providing a simple API for creating and configuring them. It also includes a polyfill that enables custom elements to work in older browsers.
  • Improved Angular CLI: The Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) has been updated in Angular 6.0 with several improvements. The most notable of these is the ability to generate code for Angular Elements. This makes it easier to create and use custom elements in your Angular applications. Other CLI improvements in Angular 6.0 include better support for libraries, improved error handling, and the ability to configure proxy settings for development servers.
  • Angular Material: Angular 6.0 includes an updated version of Angular Material, a UI component library for Angular. Angular Material 6 includes several new components, including Tree and Drag-and-Drop, as well as improvements to existing components. Angular Material 6 also includes better support for internationalization (i18n) and improved accessibility (a11y) features.
  • Use ng-template instead of template directive: One of the major changes in Angular 6.0 is the introduction of ng-template. This new directive can be used instead of the older template directive, which has been deprecated. ng-template is a powerful tool for creating reusable templates that can be used across multiple components. It also provides better performance and improved code organization.
  • Declaring the providers inside the service itself: Angular 6.0 also introduces a new way to declare providers for services. Instead of declaring providers in the module file, providers can now be declared inside the service itself. This helps to simplify the code and makes it easier to manage dependencies.
  • Use of ng add, ng update: Angular 6.0 comes with new commands for managing dependencies. The ng add command allows developers to easily add new features and libraries to their application, while the ng update command simplifies the process of updating existing dependencies. These commands make it easier to keep your application up-to-date and take advantage of the latest features and improvements.
  • Multiple Validators for Form Builder Array: Angular 6.0 introduces a new feature for form builders. Developers can now add multiple validators to form builder arrays, making it easier to validate user input and improve the accuracy of the data collected. This feature is particularly useful for applications that rely heavily on user input, such as e-commerce sites or social media platforms.
  • Other Changes: In addition to the changes mentioned above, Angular 6.0 includes several other updates and improvements. Some of the notable changes include:
    • Support for TypeScript 2.7 and 2.8
    • Improved performance and reduced bundle sizes
    • Better support for animations and transitions

Angular 6.0 introduces several significant improvements to the framework, including the new Angular Elements feature, updates to RxJS and Angular Material, and improvements to the Angular CLI. The framework also includes several smaller updates and improvements that help to improve performance, reduce bundle sizes, and improve developer productivity. With the introduction of ng-template, simplified service providers, new dependency management commands, and improved form builders, developers can create faster and more reliable applications than ever before.

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