Angular 5.0

In this article, we will see What’s New and Improved in Angular 5. Angular 5 was released in November 2017, bringing a range of new features and improvements to the popular front-end framework. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most notable changes in this version:

  • Ivy Renderer: The most significant change in Angular 5 is the introduction of the Ivy renderer. This new rendering engine is designed to improve the performance and size of Angular applications. Ivy is also more compatible with modern web standards and is expected to make it easier to develop components and libraries. With the introduction of Ivy, developers can expect smaller bundle sizes, faster compilation times, and improved debugging and error messages. Ivy also provides better support for lazy loading and server-side rendering.
  • Improved Compiler: In addition to Ivy, Angular 5 includes several improvements to the compiler. The compiler is responsible for converting Angular code into JavaScript that can be executed by a browser. The new compiler offers faster compilation times and better error messages. It also supports Ahead-of-Time (AOT) compilation, which can improve the performance of Angular applications.
  • HttpClient: Angular 5 introduces a new HttpClient module, which is a simplified version of the previous Http module. The new module is designed to be more straightforward to use and more efficient. The HttpClient module provides a more streamlined API for making HTTP requests, as well as improved error handling and interceptors. It also supports progress events, which can be used to track the progress of long-running HTTP requests.
  • Improved Accessibility: Accessibility (a11y) is an essential consideration for modern web applications, and Angular 5 includes several improvements in this area. The framework now includes better support for screen readers, keyboard navigation, and focus management.
  • Support for Angular Universal State Transfer API and DOM: Angular Universal is a server-side rendering solution for Angular applications. With Angular 5.0, the framework now supports Angular Universal State Transfer API and DOM. This means that developers can now easily transfer the application state from the server to the client, leading to faster load times and a better user experience.
  • Build Optimizer: Another major improvement in Angular 5.0 is the introduction of the Build Optimizer. The Build Optimizer is a tool that automatically removes unnecessary code from the application during the build process, leading to smaller bundle sizes and faster load times.
  • Support for Improved Decorator: In Angular 5.0, the framework introduces an improved version of the @Directive decorator. The new decorator allows developers to define a component as a directive, making it easier to reuse code across different components.
  • ReflectiveInjector with StaticInjector Replacement: Angular 5.0 replaces ReflectiveInjector with StaticInjector, leading to faster bootstrapping times and improved performance. The new StaticInjector is faster and more efficient than the previous version, making it a significant improvement for Angular developers.
  • Internationalized Number, Date, and Currency Pipes: Angular 5.0 now supports internationalized pipes for numbers, dates, and currencies. The new pipes make it easier to format and display data in different locales, making Angular applications more accessible to a global audience.
  • Angular Forms adds updateOn Blur Or Submit: Angular Forms now allows developers to set the updateOn property to either blur or submit. This means that developers can choose when the form updates, leading to a better user experience and improved performance.
  • New Router Lifecycle Events: Angular 5.0 introduces several new lifecycle events for the router. These new events allow developers to react to changes in the router, leading to more robust and flexible applications.
  • Updates in RxJS 5.5: Finally, Angular 5.0 comes with updates to RxJS 5.5. The new version of RxJS introduces several new features, including improved performance and new operators. These updates make it easier for developers to work with observables and reactive programming in Angular applications.
  • Other Changes: In addition to the changes mentioned above, Angular 5 includes several other updates and improvements. Some of the notable changes include:
    • Support for TypeScript 2.4 and 2.5
    • Better support for internationalization (i18n)
    • Improved documentation and examples

In conclusion, Angular 5 introduces several significant improvements to the framework, including the new Ivy renderer, improved compiler, and HttpClient module. The framework also includes several improvements to accessibility and internationalization. From improved performance to new features in RxJS, Angular 5.0 is a significant update for the Angular framework. With these improvements, developers can build faster, more efficient, and more accessible applications than ever before.

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