Amazon interview Experience | Set 415 (For SDE-2)

Written :

  1. Given a string and pattern with (*, ?) Check if it can match the string.
  2. Find an element in first increasing and decreasing array.

Round 1 :

  1. Given an array of strings. Find all pairs which form palindrome. O(N)
  2. Celebrity problem.

Round 2 :

  1. Given a set of dependent tasks, find order for dependent tasks. Variation of
  2. Count of paths from top left to right bottom in an array containing 0/1. Here 1 means blocked shell. You are allowed to move right or down.

Round 3 :

  1. Project discussion (Hint : Prepare your project well, with all ins and outs)
  2. find maxsum in a binary tree. (node can have -ve numbers as well)

Round 4 :

  1. Design Bookmyshow : HLD, LLD and different race conditions discussion. scalability discussions
  2. Given an integer array, find the number of merge operations required to make it a palindrome

Round 5 :

  1. Behavioral questions : conflicts, challenges, innovation
  2. Project discussion
  3. Design Restaurant booking application HLD and LLD. Write an algorithm to optimally assign tables for bookings.

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