Amazon Interview experience | Set 326 (For SDE II)


  1. Reverse the linklist in pair manner
    Q: 1->2->3->4->5
    A: 2->1->4->3->5
  2. Third highest value in tree
    Full code required.



  1. Design a solution to search the given value in system. You are given a value which need to be searched. The system will respond basis of type.
    If its app based it will return app names. if it is web based it will return web pages hitsetc. A detailed discussion design and development.
  2. No actual coding


  • Get the local maxima or minima in array.

Bar raiser:

Hiring manager 1

  • Design chess game

Hiring manager 2

  • Design inventory system. (eg: library)

All Practice Problems for Amazon !

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