Amazon Interview Experience for Software Developer

CODING ROUND: The coding round was medium to difficult with 3 questions covering DP, greed, and implementation.

INTERVIEW ROUND: The interview lasted about an hour and 15 minutes with an introduction and a little discussion about projects. I was asked relatively simple questions from graphs.

INFLUENCE OF PROJECTS/INTERNSHIPS: Although might not be that relevant for the SDE role, but my interviewer also discussed my projects with me regardless. A good way to have an engaging discussion, otherwise they would straight away jump to the coding questions.

SPECIFIC SKILLSET REQUIRED FOR INTERVIEW(S): Good Grasp of Data Structures and Algorithms and ability to write out a simple algorithm (Pseudocode) to solve the problem.

SUGGESTIONS FOR THE AFOREMENTIONED PROCESS: Enough practice with w3wiki, and InterviewBit should do the trick. Try to cover at least 60-70 percent of problems across all topics. If you aren’t well-versed in a programming language, can use resources GfG. Then go ahead and practice in contests across platforms like Codeforces, Atcoder, Leetcode, and IB. This will prepare you for the time-constrained scenario for solving the problems. IB can give you good practice as well.

PARTING ADVICE: Practice and dedication will be the key to cracking all the situations which will come up in your path. A little stress is good enough to keep you on the right track. But too much of it will hamper your progress. Keep some friends around with similar goals to help you stay focussed.


  • DOs
    Practice DSA and other fundamentals essential for almost any SDE role. Keep in handy a few other things like projects(of any kind, self-projects of web-development which use React can be dealt with in depth by the interviewer) to have a proper discussion with the interviewer.
  • DON’Ts
    Do not waste time till you find the rig.

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