Amazon Interview Experience for SDE 2022

Online Assessment  â€“ There were a few MCQs of CS Fundamentals and two coding questions, and lots of leadership MCQs thereafter.

  • Both the questions are of medium difficulty (One is simple Graph Algo, and the other one is of PriorityQueue).
  • Luckily, I was able to solve both of them and thus got shortlisted for the next round.

After a couple of months, I received the interview confirmation mail.

Interview Round 1 â€“ She introduced herself and asked me for an intro, and then we directly moved on to the coding part.

  • The first question is about Trees (I need to print the Top-View of the Binary Tree)
  • I told her my approach and later implemented it.
  • She also asked me about TC and SC of it.
  • The second question was about Graphs (Kahn’s Algorithm)
  • The question consists of some storyline and you’ve to figure out which algo you’ve to use.
  • Again, told her TC and SC about it.

This round lasted for 1 Hr, and after solving both of the questions, we ended it on a happy note.

On the same day, I got the confirmation for the next round, which was tomorrow.

Interview Round 2– Starts again with some basic intro, followed by the coding questions.

  • The first question is about DP (the in-famous HouseRobber problem).
  • I first told him the recursive approach and later implemented the optimized one i.e. DP.
  • Discussed TC and SC as well.
  • The second question consists of some storyline where I need to reach to bottom-right point from the top-left position.
  • This one can be easily solved by the Iterative DP approach.
  • Again, told her TC and SC about it.

This round again lasted for 1 Hr, and I solved both of the questions.

Interview Round 3: Starts with intro and directly jumps to the coding part.

  • The first question is of Array (Minimum number of platforms to schedule Train)
  • I directly told him the optimized approach as it only comes to my mind.
  • The second question is again of Array (I didn’t remember exactly, but it’s somewhat related to a subset)
  • I first told him the naive approach for which he asked me to optimize, but even after spending a significant time, I optimized it a bit but that was not the best solution.

Verdict: I was in a doubtful situation about whether I’ll gonna proceed or not, but after a week, I received a call from HR and there she told me,


Important points to remember:

  • Please make sure to have a good command over TC (Time complexity) and SC.
  • Amazon mostly asks a question from Priority Queue in their online coding round so please make sure you’ve solved questions before it.
  • Refrain to skip normal DSA topics (like Trees, Graphs and DP) as they are mostly asked in tech interview rounds.
  • Also, thankful to the GFG community for providing a hell lot of resources which helped me a lot in preparation : )

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