Amazon Interview Experience for SDE

A recruiter from Amazon contacted me on LinkedIn for a job. This made me realize the significance of making valuable connections on LinkedIn, as well as improving one’s LinkedIn profile.

Here about my interview experience –

Round 1 (Online screening):

2 Medium questions

  • A variation of a Knapsack problem
  • A variation of Job Scheduling problem

Solved all the test cases.

Given time – 90 minutes

Time taken – 25 minutes

Round 2 :

A small discussion about my work at my current company

2 Medium-level questions

You are given an array that contains the amount of fuel available at each gas station. You are currently at the first station and you assume that the fuel in your car decreases as you travel to the next station. Your task is to determine if you can make it to the last gas station in the array – Greedy Algorithm

Find the number of distinct elements in a window of m elements of an n-length array – Sliding window using a Hashmap

Round 3 :

A small discussion about my work at my current company

2 Medium level questions

  • Right View of a Binary Tree – Level Order Traversal and store the last node of each level
  • Print all the paths from root to leaf of a binary tree, whose path sum is a given number – Backtracking and Pre-order traversal of the tree

Round 4 :

Discussion on the low-level and high level design of the projects delivered in my current company.

Discussion on coding practices and few technology terms like code coverage, test driven development, etc.

Some behavior type questions.

Closed with a binary search problem.

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