Amazon Interview Experience for SDE-1 (On-Campus)

Hello Everyone.

Selection Process – 1 Online Assesment (60 minutes): The Questions were Medium Level. (We can solve it easily if we understand the Question). And some behavioral Questions that will check your qualities and how will you react to a problem in the company.

The Qualified People of that Online Assessment will be having 3 interviews which are not elimination rounds. 

Everyone should give each and every Interview.

Round 1 (60 mins): Started with the interviewer’s Intro and then mine. Then she asked me about my project.

Later a Question.

1. You have a field of carrots that grows in rows and columns. Any group(one or more) of good carrots surrounded by all bad carrots turns into a bad carrot.
Modify your field grid accordingly to reflect the changes.

Then last 10 minutes were some behavioral questions like Describe a situation when you had to meet a tight deadline. etc.

At last, She asked me Do I have any questions. She was not very interactive like all other interviewers

Round 2 (60 mins): Started with the interviewer’s Intro and then mine.

Directly jumped into DSA.

We discussed different approaches and came to an optimal solution

2. Question related to BST (Easy)

Then he asked me about my project. Since my project includes some sorting algos we discussed them (Which one is best Quick sort or Merge sort and why?)

Then last 10 minutes were some behavioral questions like Have you ever exceeded someone’s expectations? etc.

At last, he asked me Do I have any questions. he was very interactive and friendly.

Round 3 (60 mins): Started with the interviewer’s Intro and then mine.

Discussed the project.

Later a Question.

1. (Exact Question without any change)

Then last 10 minutes were some behavioral questions.

At last, he asked me Do I have any questions.

I wasn’t able to perform well in the 1st round.

Final Verdict – Not Selected

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