Amazon Interview Experience for SDE-1

Hi, I am a final year Computer Science Undergrad student from Vel Tech University, Chennai. Recently I received a Full-time offer from Amazon, India for the position of SDE-1. It was On-campus recruitment.

Online Assessment: Debugging (20 minutes): 7 coding questions  (70 minutes): It consisted of 2 DSA questions. CS fundamental MCQs

Interview Round 1 (60 minutes): One of Amazon’s SDE-2 took this round. We started with a brief introduction. The interviewer introduced himself and then asked me to introduce myself Then he jumped into DSA. He told to me that he will be asking 2 DSA questions and I have to code both of them.

  • (A variant of this problem)

I started explaining to him the brute force solution and then gradually moved to the most optimized solution and explained the time and space complexity. Then he asked me to code the most optimized approach. He seemed satisfied with my code and asked to dry run it. A lot of importance was given to the code quality.

Interview Round 2 (60 minutes): One of Amazon’s SDE-2s took this round. We started with a brief introduction. The interviewer introduced himself and then asked me to introduce myself Then he jumped into DSA.

I took a lot of time to solve the first question. I coded the solution using level order traversal(which Took more extra space) but the interviewer was expecting a recursive approach. Then he asked me to solve using recursion. I solved it and coded the same. For the second question, I was left with very less time. I started with brute force as the most optimal approach. He seemed to be satisfied with my approach.

Interview Round 3: Bar Raiser (60 minutes): This was the last interview round. The interviewer was SDEM with some 10–12 years of experience. The interviewer introduced himself and then asked me to introduce myself with a brief introduction of the project I have worked on. He asked a few follow-up questions on projects. The discussion on projects was done for more than 30 min. Then he jumped into DSA.

  • It was based on merge sort. (Don’t exactly remember).
  • It was based on shortest path stuff. Solved using BFS.

I explained the approach to the first question and coded it within 5 min. The second question took a bit more time due to lots of edge cases but at last, I solved and coded it. A special focus was made on code quality in every round. The following link will be helpful:

Result — Got the offer!

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