Amazon Interview Experience for Frontend Engineer Dublin (2022)

I uploaded my resume on the Amazon Job Portal site my resume got shortlisted for the Interview.  After 15 days I got mail that my interview is scheduled on 11 October 2022. 

My Interview was divided into three parts. My Interview Time – is 10:30 am – 2:00 pm (with a 30 min break).

Preparation Tips:

  • DSA GFG/Leet code Easy and Medium.  
  • Do prepare behavioral questions of Amazon and Leadership Principles.

Interview 1: First 30 mins he asked me a simple array problem.

  • How to find the max element in o(1) time complexity?
  • How do traverse array elements with worst to best time complexity?
  • Sum up every element of the Array.

For another 30 mins, he asked me questions related to my Project.

  • What is your role in your project?
  • Tell me about your best project.
  • Tell me about your best skill till now.

Interview 2: First 30 mins he asked me questions related to Frontend.

  • Why react?
  • Draw Digital Clock.
  • Draw a to-do list.

For another 30 mins, he asked me behavioral questions based on Leadership Principles.

Interview 3: First 30 mins he asked me a DSA question (GFG/Leet code easy).

  • Given an expression string exp, write a program to examine whether the pairs and the orders of “{“, “}”, “(“, “)”, “[“, “]” are correct in the given expression. (Link of the problem).
  • Basic Tree and Binary Search Tree Properties.

For another 30 mins, he asked me about my Project work and behavioral questions.


  • You must have good communication skills.
  • Prepare for Leadership Principles for any Amazon Interview.
  • Discuss time and space complexity for every solution from worst to best. 
  • If you are stuck on any question, you can ask him for help.


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