Amazon Interview Experience for AFE Scholarship

Hello coders and learners, I am Dhruvi Shah, and I am going to share one amazing interview experience which is going to be very informative and important for all of you. I have applied for an FFE scholarship. I haven’t uploaded docs and at the last date of application, my friend reminded me to fill in documents. I quickly completed my application and after 2 months I got a call from FFE for an interview. In the interview, I have to show my home. Have to tell you about my academic record till now and my skill set.

The selection is basically merit-based. My facilitator took my interview. I got 40,000 scholarship amount and with that many programs like FLY (Finding a Leader in You), and Amazon Future Engineer program in which only 500 girls were selected I will get a mentorship for 10 months in which they will teach us DSA and will take the test and give Amazon internship after 10 months. They also take our AMCAT test so that we can know our weak skills and improve them. Also, they are providing courses for our weak skills. I found this scholarship very useful and you all can also apply for it.

Thank you

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