Amazon ACMS Interview Experience

Hey Everyone! Amazon visited our campus for ACMS selection. I am sharing my experience of entire journey here. 

ROUND 1: Everyone who satisfied the required cgpa (probably 7) criteria was allowed to sit for this round. There were three coding questions to be completed in 1.5 hrs. 

1. Arrays and Strings 

2. Linked list – A linked list was given : 1->1->1->2->2->3-> 

Required Output: 1->3->2->2->3 (finds the occurrence for each element in an unsorted list and printing it next to the element is frequency is greater than 1) 

3. Linked List 

ROUND 2: Shortlisted students received a mail from Amazon with another test link of duration of 1.5 hrs. 

The test had two coding questions and 30 MCQs. MCQs were based on OOPS concepts, DSA, DBMS, OS and networking, Pointers in C++: concepts of pointer to a pointer, function pass by values versus pass by reference, expected output. 

The selected students received a mail after 3-4 weeks. Mentorship was started where three people were assigned a mentor, SDE in Amazon who guided us throughout. There were 4-5 technical sessions where we were taught different topics like OOPS, Data structures, functional programming, DBMS, Design patterns, scalable services, web hosting, database clustering, NoSQL etc.. 

Along with the technical sessions, assignments were given each week. A project was also assigned to us. Based on assignments and project, we were shortlisted for interviews. 


I had two interviews on same day. 

First Interview:  

1. I was asked about a puzzle. You can refer the link below to know exact problem statement. 

2. Second question was easy.. it was similar to trapping rain water 

Second Interview:  

1. I was asked about my mentorship and projects. 

2. He asked me questions about hashmap in detail.. collision handling, hashing, hash code etc.. He covered almost every topic related to hashing and hashmap in depth. 

3. LRU Cache 

4. Questions related to graphs and trees in depth. 

Time complexity and space complexity for each question was asked. 

After around 3-4 weeks, I got the mail of selection along with 3 other students from my college. 


I practiced for about 5-6 months . Initially I practiced topic wise , later when I was confident enough I started practicing company wise ( mainly for those companies which visited our campus). Also I made it a habit to read atleast one interview experience from gfg daily. 


1. Think out loud. Interviewer is more interested in knowing your thought process than the exact solution. So, speak whatever you are thinking while creating a solution. 

2. Don’t give the most optimised solution directly even if you know, tell the brute force solution first and then optimise the solution.. (my mentor gave me this tip since he had also interviewed many candidates and rejected few who acted too smart because he thought they are more of textbook Beginner) 

3. Ask the interviewer before starting to write the solution 

4. Explain your approach first using examples and walk the interviewer throughout the solution. This creates an impression of clarity. 

5. Interviewers drop hint whenever you are going in wrong path during interview, try to form your solution around that hint.

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