Adobe Shecodes Product Intern Hiring Process Experience.

Here I have shared my experience through the SheCodes hiring process of Adobe for the role of product Intern.

What is Adobe SheCodes?
Adobe SheCodes is an initiative by Adobe to provide Internships for women in technology to promote diversity and empower women to take an active role in technological careers.

The whole process involved the following steps:
Registrations for SheCodes started in the last week of October. Eligibility Criteria were: No active Backlog and Female candidates only. Candidates need to fill out the forms for SheCodes at Kyron platform whose details are provided in college.
Note: Fill in the form very carefully as wrong information leads to direct disqualification from the process.

Online Assessment:
After successful registration, candidates received an e-mail regarding the assessment test link. The assessment was conducted in the first week of November. The assessment consists of several sections including MCQs on aptitude, analytical and quantitative reasoning, English ( Synonyms and Antonyms), and 1 DSA coding question. It can be LeetCode Medium or Easy.

20 days after the test, a List of shortlisted candidates was displayed. Within 5-10 days, candidates got a call for an interview. It was a one-hour interview.
The interview started with a brief introduction of both me and the interviewer. Then as a warm up he asked me to calculate the time complexity of an algorithm. It involved some calculations around geometric progression. I solved that question correctly. After that he asked me an algorithm for question around recursion and time complexity. Then he moved to main question for which I had to design the algorithm, write the code and evaluate the algorithm. I solved that question correctly and explained the algorithm with correct complexity analysis.
One can expect questions based on projects, core-subjects, puzzles also.
With this he wrapped up the interview. At the end he asked me if I have some questions for him. I asked him few things around internship and Adobe. And the interview ended.

Result Declaration:
After 4 days I got an email of selection (Generally candidates can expect a mail within 1 month post interview).

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