Adobe SheCodes Interview Experience Product Intern (On-Campus)

Round 1

Online Technical Test:  Includes two sections, the first one is MCQ and the second one is Coding. The test was 1 Hr only. In MCQ, questions about aptitude and logical reasoning are based. For the coding section, there is only one question which is at an easy level only.

My coding question is related to using the selection sort to give the minimum number of swaps required to sort a given array.

Round 2

Online-interview round: Starting off the interview by greeting me and asked about me my favorite subject from my resume which I have mentioned and continued to ask questions on it and then they asked me some questions about computer networks. Some of them are as follows:

  • Difference between TCP and UDP.
  • Real-time application of the UDP.
  • How to HTTPS is secure? What is used to secure it?
  • How does the threading work?
  • Stages of Pipeline execution of CPU?
  • How does the multiprogramming get served?
  • What is thrashing? How we can reduce it?

Then they had given me two coding question which was-

  • Given a linked list and sort it with brute force and optimized approach.
Input:- list = 10->4->11
Output:- 4->10->11
  • Give a linked list and reverse it.
Input:- list = 10->4->11 
Output:- 11->4->10

I was not able to crack it. But yes experience is the most important part for me!! I hope you liked it and enjoyed it.

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