Adding & Editing & Deleting & Searching Records with Data Form

Overview :
To manage records using Data Form, it will give you the following options like adding data, deleting data, searching data using data from. Let’s discuss Adding, Deleting, Searching Records with Data Form as follows.

Steps to implement operations with data form :
Here, we will discuss how you can add, delete and search data using data form as follows.

Adding data into using data form –
Here, we will discuss the steps to perform adding records using the Data form as follows.

New data is entered from here 

  1. To add a new record from the data form ‘New’ button is clicked or scroll till the final record which is empty.
  2. Now you can add data as per your wish but keep in mind that you have to fill in the right data for the right field. You can be left some fields empty too.
  3. For improving any record either you scroll the record or bring that record to data form and edit it with normal techniques.
  4. The field calculation is dependent on the other field’s accountability that cannot be edited neither you can format the data form field to bold or any other way, this work can only be done in a worksheet.
  5. Through the data form, the changes made in a record cannot be seen in the worksheet until you went to another record leaving that one.
  6. All the changes are kept in a computer RAM, till the time you kept the worksheet save that is why for keeping the data safe you need to save the worksheet box.

Data Form

Deleting Records with Data Form –
Here, we will discuss the steps to perform deleting records using the Data form as follows.

  1. For removing any record you have to bring it first to the data form and then the ‘Delete’ button is clicked. 
  2. By doing this the dialogue box will appear for confirming the step, after which the data will be removed, and then you cannot undo the step, this step can only be done in a worksheet.

Searching Records with Data Form –
Here, we will discuss the steps to perform searching records using Data form as follows.

  1. You can use the data form for completing any task or for searching records or for viewing it uniformly or editing is done, for example, if you want to view or edit the record, so click on the ‘Criteria button in the data form, in result to this your data form will become empty, and it will take a form of Criteria dialogue box.
  2. In this dialogue box, you can fill your text as shown in the below picture as the selected data is entered in criteria R&D.
  3. You can use =, >, <, >=, ≤, <> this comparison operator for equal to, Greater than, Less than, Greater than or equal to, Less than and equal to, Not equal to, for numbers and dates.
  4. If you fill the equal to (=) sign then you will fill nothing before that, so we will find such records in which that field is empty.
  5. After filling in all the important conditions the dialogue box ‘Find Prev’ and ‘Find Next’ buttons are being clicked, so you can the forward and backward records.  
  6. By clicking on the ‘Close’ button in the dialogue box you will come back to the data form from the condition dialogue box.
  7. The clear button is used for canceling the pre-defined conditions so that you can click new conditions.
  8. After clicking the ‘Form’ button the end of the Criteria dialogue box and a new data form is formed.
  9. For filling the condition you can use the Wild Card ‘*’ or ‘?’ can be used, in this, all the normal rules are used in this case no operator is required. If you find the text field that is good then ‘=’ is used.

Criteria Dialogue Box

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