File Searching using Python

There may be many instances when you want to search a system.Suppose while writing an mp3 player you may want to have all the ‘.mp3’ files present. Well here’s how to do it in a simple way. 
This code searches all the folders in the file it’s being run. If you want some other kinds of files just change the extension.


# Python code to search .mp3 files in current
# folder (We can change file type/name and path
# according to the requirements.
import os
# This is to get the directory that the program
# is currently running in.
dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir_path):
    for file in files:
        # change the extension from '.mp3' to
        # the one of your choice.
        if file.endswith('.mp3'):
            print (root+'/'+str(file))

os is not an external library in python. So I feel this is the simplest and the best way to do this.

Use the glob module:

One alternative approach to searching for files with a specific extension is to use the glob module. This module provides a way to search for files with a specific pattern using the glob function.

For example, to search for all .txt files in the current directory, you could use the following code:


import glob
files = glob.glob('*.mp3')
for file in files:

The glob function returns a list of file paths that match the specified pattern. In this case, the pattern ‘*.mp3’ matches all files in the current directory that have the .mp3 extension.

You can also specify a different directory to search in by including the path in the pattern. For example, ‘path/to/directory/*.mp3’ would search for all .mp3 files in the path/to/directory directory.

The glob module also supports more advanced patterns, such as ‘*.mp3’ to match all files with the .mp3 extension in any directory, or ‘**/*.mp3’ to match all .mp3 files in all subdirectories, recursively. You can learn more about the different pattern options in the documentation for the glob module.


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