Accolite Digital Interview Experience for Software Engineer 2023

I got a Full-Time Offer from Accolite Digital !!

Education – B.Tech in Computer Science from tier 3 college
YOE – 0
Date of Offer – 4th January 2023
Company – Accolite Digital
Title – Software Engineer
Mode – Off Campus(she code hiring)

It was an off-campus She code hiring opportunity and there was a total of 5 rounds.


ROUND 2: TECHNICAL INTERVIEW 1 (Duration – 30 min)

ROUND 3 :TECHNICAL INTERVIEW 2(Duration – 60 min)

ROUND 4: TECHNICAL INTERVIEW 3 (Duration – 30 min)

  • Introduction
  • Project discussion
  • Basic OOPS Question
  • What all data structures do you know?
    sorting algorithm like where we use insertion sort and where quick and merge all sorting algorithms where we use all sorting algorithm
    which sorting algorithm  is best and why
  • A coding question
    • it look and say problem.
  • one ques based on an aptitude problem but the idea is to apply dsa concept
    we have 100 apples and 2 boxes 1 apple wait is 200 g and all 99 apple wait is 100 g so find out which apple have 200 g wait (apply the divide and conquer approach)
  • Any questions?

ROUND 5 :HR ROUND(Duration – 30 min)

  • Introduction
  • Project
  • Talking about my hometown like what is my favorite thing and what is a unique thing.
  • Why should we hire you?
  • Long-term and short-term goals
  • where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  • strengths and weakness

Then she said “Yes, you are selected!!” and discussed the salary and other details about the company.

I hope it was helpful !!

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