Accolite Digital Interview Experience for Software Engineer 1 (On-Campus) 2023

Placement Process :

Round 1 :

MCQ Section: Questions based on Java, DBMS, Networks, OS, DSA, find errors, Write the missing code, etc. This test was conducted on Accolite’s platform Eduthrill. We had to attempt 30 MCQs in 30 minutes.

Coding Section: This test was also conducted on Accolite’s platform Codelyzer. 1 Question was given to solve in 60 mins.

Round 2 (Technical Interview – I) :

The interviewer introduced himself and asked me to do the same. The interviewer asked me to explain all the approaches I can think of first and then code the efficient one.

Coding Questions :

  • Detect loop in the linked list
  • Find the Least positive missing element from the given sorted array: I gave both the naïve and efficient approach. Finally solved it using Modified Binary Search.
  • Find the second highest element from the array: I gave both the naïve and efficient approach. Finally solved it using Priority Queue(Heap).
  • How can we determine the height of a tree

Technical Questions :

  • What is oops?
  • Inheritance and its types?
  • Overloading and overriding?
  • Difference between DELETE, TRUNCATE, and DROP?

Logical Ability Question :

  • Water jug problem

Duration: 45 minutes

Round 3 (Technical Interview – II) :

The interviewer introduced himself and asked me to do the same.

Python Question :

  • Why did you choose Python as your language?
  • What are the benefits of using Python?
  • What is a dynamically typed language?
  • What is an Interpreted language?
  • What are the common built-in data types in Python?
  • What is PEP 8 and why is it important?
  • What is Scope in Python?
  • What are the types of scope present in Python?
  • What do you know about modular and non-modular scopes in Python?
  • What are lists and tuples? What is the key difference between the two?
  • How do you identify whether it is a tuple or a dictionary?
  • What is a dictionary in Python?
  • What is pass in Python?
  • What is __init__ ?
  • What are modules and packages in Python?
  • What are global, protected, and private attributes in Python?
  • What is the use of self in Python?
  • What are unit tests in Python?
  • What is docstring in Python?
  • What is slicing in Python?
  • Explain how can you make a Python Script executable on Unix.
  • What is the difference between Python Arrays and lists?

DBMS Questions:

  • What are joins and subqueries?
  • What are DDL and DML commands?
  • Difference between Delete, truncate, and drop?
  • What is a group by, having, and where?
  • What is limit and offset? and what should be the order?
  • Query to find the third highest salary.

Round 4 (Technical Interview – III) :

  • Which coding language do you know?
  • Which language do you prefer to understand OOPs and what do you think which language is better C++ or Python to understand OOPs?
  • Which book did you refer to for learning Data structures and algorithms?
  • Do you know about Compression Algorithms?
  • What did you learn in Data structures and algorithms?
  • What all Graph Algorithm did you know? What is the Krushkal algorithm? Is it for a bidirectional graph or unidirectional? If not then which graph algorithm is used for the unidirectional algorithm?
  • Some questions related to projects.
  • Code (level – Hard): a bit similar to reverse linked list in k groups.

Round 5 (HR Interview) :

  • Introduction
  • Hobbies
  • About one of my projects. What challenges did you face? How was your experience?
  • What are you passionate about? Any example?
  • What do you want to achieve in your life?
  • What do you know about Accolite?
  • Why should we hire you? What makes you different from others?
  • Why do you want to join Accolite?
  • How do you plan your day?
  • Is it your first on-campus interview? How was your experience throughout the different rounds of interviews?
  • About 10th, 12th, and Btech Grades and if there are any active backlog records.

At the end, She explained to me about the whole process of onboarding.

Overall Experience –

  • Interviewers are friendly & will help you if you are stuck somewhere.
  • All the coding or theory questions were of Easy – Medium Difficulty level. One can easily crack if he/she is thorough with the basics.
  • Practice CP as much as you can on platforms like LeetCode, GfG, etc.
  • In the technical round, before coding, think aloud all the approaches you can think of starting from Naïve to efficient one.
  • Visit their website to learn more about the company.
  • Be calm & confident while answering the questions.
  • Always ask relevant questions to the interviewer when he/she asks, Do you have any questions for me?

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