Accenture Associate Software Engineer (ASE) Interview Experience

I had the chance to interview for the ASE (Associate Software Engineer) position at Accenture through an on-campus recruitment process.

Interview Process Overview

Aptitude & Coding Assessment

Aptitude Assessment

  • Conducted in the college lab using the.
  • The 90-minute test covered Quantitative, English Ability, Reasoning, Pseudo Code, Networking, Cloud, and MS Office.
  • It was a medium-difficult-elimination round.

Coding Assessment

  • The results of the aptitude assessment are given immediately, if cleared, we should appear for coding assessment immediately, or else you are out of the process.
  • This 45-minute test included Two array problems.
  • Clearing this round was crucial for proceeding to the next stage.
  • Problem 1
    • Given an array “arr” of size n. A number in an array let’s say ‘Z’ is said to be good if there exists two different positive integers X and Y such that X^Y = Z and X&Y = 0.
    • Intuition
      • Any number ‘Z ‘in which the count of set Bits is ≥ 2 then there always exists X and Y such that X^Y = Z and X & y = Z.
      • In Y make only the first set bit location in Z as set and remaining unset. And for X make all the set Bits in Z as set except the first set Bit location.
      • So, X^Y = Z and X&Y = 0. To hold the condition X and Y are different and positive, there should be at least 2 set Bits in Z.
  • Problem 2
    • Given an array “arr” of size n. Find count of pairs such that i < j and arr[i]^arr[j] > arr[i]&arr[j]. The size of arr is 1e5. Expected O(N) solution.
    • Implemented the brute Force, couldn’t come up with optimal algo in given time.
  • NOTE: To clear this round, one should solve at least 1 problem completely and 2nd problem partially.
  • The results of the round are conveyed via WhatsApp to your registered mobile number immediately after finishing the test.

Communication Assessment

  • Communication Assessment happend after 2 days.
  • This 30-minute assessment had six sections including Reading, Listening, Q & A, Jumbled Sentences, retelling a story, and speaking.
  • It was not an elimination round.

Final Interview

  • A combination of technical and HR questions based on my resume.
  • Questions ranged from personal introduction to project details and co-curricular achievements.
    • Introduce Yourself.
    • What is Dual Degree. [ Mine is Integrated Degree]
    • You are from mechanical, why you want to join the IT Role.
    • Have you done any IT certifications.
    • Explain your Project.
    • Explain about any project you have done in group, and what is your role in it.
    • Explain about your internship experience.
    • What are your strengths and weakness.
  • NOTE: The HR more interested in knowing how good team player you are, your co-curricular achievements [ sports, events etc.], your internship and projects.

Despite progressing through the rounds, I was not selected for the ASE role, as confirmed by the TP cell list and an official rejection email from Accenture.

Mistake I did in HR Interview:

  • Didn’t take the HR interview seriously.
  • Don’t have any extra curricular achievements.
  • The HR don’t have development background. He is not interested in listening my project.
  • Told irrelevant working in group experience [Mechanical Projects experience instead of internship experience].
  • When asked for any IT Certifications I said No.

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