2 Page Resume: When and How to use longer format?

Two page resume is one such resume that breaks most widespread misconceptions about resumes that they should not exceed one page. It is critical to keep your material brief concise and to the point. A one-page CV may be sufficient for some job applicants. These include entry-level applicants, people considering a career move, and elderly professionals who have spent most of their careers with the same organization. However, for many applicants, that cannot be done on a single page. Hence, a two-page resume is necessary.

2 Page Resume

Can a resume be of 2 pages?

Yes, a resume can be 2 pages long, but it’s generally not recommended unless you fall into one of these categories:

1. 10+ years of experience:

If you possess over ten years of expertise in your field, experience working for several different companies, and have a track record of growth and professional success then it is highly recommended that you use a two-page resume. This will provide you with the space you require to outline the achievements and contributions that will distinguish you from other candidates.

2. Applying for Senior Position:

The majority of businesses that hire for senior management or C-level roles anticipate receiving two or even three-page resumes from executive candidates that list all of their accomplishments and leadership roles in detail.

3. Possess Extensive Certifications, Career Accomplishments, or Technical Skills:

Lists of your professional qualifications, tech skills, important projects, and publications that are important to employers, especially if you work in IT, engineering, academia, or scientific research. Professional credentials are still valued in many fields just as highly as qualifications, so providing a thorough overview of your training background and employment history requires a second page.

4. Applying for Govt. Job:

Government resumes continue to require extensive information about a candidate’s employment history, even though the Indian administration greatly improved the application process for government jobs. Government resumes are typically two pages long, with very few being shorter than that.

5. Unique or non-traditional career path:

If your work experience doesn’t follow a typical linear progression, a two-page resume can help you explain your career journey and highlight your skills and qualifications.

6. Transitioning into a new field:

If you are changing careers or moving into a new industry, a two-page resume can help you demonstrate your transferable skills and relevant experience.

7. Applying for a highly competitive position:

For highly sought-after roles, a two-page resume can help you stand out from the competition by showcasing your extensive experience and accomplishments.

Why You Should Create a Two-Page Resume?

There are several good reasons in favour of writing a two-page resume if you are a mid-level professional, have a unique career path, or switching a career. The most significant of them is the fact that a lot of businesses now check resumes at first, especially those received through digital application processes, using automated applicant tracking systems (ATS).

Resumes that use and repeat particular keyword phrases are given preference by these algorithms; the bots evaluate the resume’s placement as well as the frequency with which industry-specific keywords occur. They also consider how much experience a person has with a certain set of job abilities. You will be able to include these crucial keywords repeatedly in your professional experience section if you make your resume two pages long.

This is one of the best strategies to make sure that your resume is among the scanned resumes that ultimately reach the point where a hiring manager would actually look at it, even though it may appear weird and visually redundant.

Tips to Write a Two-Page Resume

Giving your resume an extra page to shine can be tricky. Therefore here are some tips to get your work easy:

1. Put your most relevant credentials on the first page:

Applicant tracking systems and human hiring managers equally prefer to see a candidate’s most relevant talents highlighted right away on their resume. Using a resume summary to give a concise overview of your professional experience and qualifications that make you an excellent fit for the position you’re applying for is the best method to accomplish this.

2. Include keyword phrases:

Use keywords in the summary of your resume, and then keep using them in the “Professional Experience” part of your resume. Industry-specific keywords must be repeated in every job description because applicant tracking systems compute the years you’ve practiced your particular talent.

3. Display quantifiable achievements:

One of the main benefits of utilizing a two-page resume is the opportunity it provides to emphasize your professional successes. This can be accomplished in the “Professional Experience” section by briefly outlining your job duties in a paragraph and then giving examples of significant contributions in the form of a three- or four-item bulleted list.

4. Length of page two:

The second page of your resume doesn’t have to be filled, but you should have enough text on it to occupy at least a third of it if not more. Try adding more pertinent details, keywords, and bulleted lists of accomplishments which are preferably supported by percentages, numbers, or cash amounts if your content is getting too short. Experiment with margins and font sizes. But if none of these techniques work, you should probably continue using a one-page resume.

Sample Resume

2 Page Resume

2 Page Resume


The one-page resume has been the standard for many years, but now there are many situations where a two-page resume is more appropriate. This article contains everything you would need to know while making a two-page resume. From why and when to how and some tips you can use to write a two-page resume that will help you stand out from the competition and land your dream job.

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