10 Board Exam Preparation Experience

My Board Exam Experience – 10th Class (Hindi Medium Student)


The 10th class board exams were a significant milestone in my academic journey as a Hindi medium student. Throughout the year, I had been preparing diligently for these exams, and finally, the moment had arrived to put my knowledge and understanding to the test. Recently, I appeared for these exams, and I am eager to share my experience, discussing each subject in detail.

Day 1 – Subject: Hindi:

The board exams began with the Hindi paper, my mother tongue, which gave me some comfort and confidence. The question paper covered various aspects of Hindi, including grammar, comprehension, and literature. I approached the grammar section with ease, ensuring I applied the correct rules of syntax and grammar. The comprehension passage required attentive reading, and I made sure to answer the questions accurately, providing well-explained responses. In the literature section, I delved into the themes and characters, presenting detailed and comprehensive answers. Overall, I felt content with my performance in the Hindi exam, setting a positive tone for the rest of the exams.

Day 2 – Subject: English:

Next on the list was the English exam, a subject I had been diligently working on to improve my proficiency. The question paper encompassed grammar, comprehension, and creative writing. I approached the grammar section with caution, focusing on using the right rules and concepts. In the comprehension section, I ensured that my answers were clear and concise, demonstrating my understanding of the passage. Creative writing, however, posed a challenge for me. Nevertheless, I put my best efforts into composing an essay with proper structure and expression. Despite English not being my native language, I was satisfied with my effort and hoped for a satisfactory result.

Day 3 – Subject: Mathematics:

Mathematics, a subject that both intrigued and intimidated me, was up next. The question paper covered various chapters, ranging from algebra to geometry and trigonometry. I started with the chapters I felt more confident about, attempting the questions systematically. However, some complex problem-solving questions tested my patience and problem-solving skills. I took my time to understand and solve them, ensuring I double-checked my calculations for accuracy. Although I encountered a few challenging questions, I persevered, hoping that my overall performance in the subject would be favorable.

Day 4 – Subject: Science (Physics and Chemistry):

The Science paper included Physics and Chemistry, subjects that required a strong conceptual understanding and practical knowledge. I had dedicated substantial time to studying the various laws and theories, and the exam tested my grasp of these concepts. In Physics, I approached numerical problems with precision, showcasing my understanding of the formulas and their applications. In Chemistry, I carefully wrote balanced chemical equations and explained various chemical processes in detail. I felt confident about my performance in the Science exam, knowing that I had covered the topics diligently.

Day 5 – Subject: Social Science:

Social Science encompassed a vast range of topics, including history, geography, civics, and economics. To prepare for this exam, I had focused on important dates, events, and geographical concepts. The question paper covered various aspects, and I approached each section systematically. I ensured that my answers were comprehensive, providing relevant information and citing examples wherever necessary. Overall, I felt satisfied with my performance in the Social Science exam, confident that I had done justice to the subject.

Day 6 – Subject: Sanskrit:

The Sanskrit exam presented a unique challenge for me as a Hindi medium student. Despite the initial apprehension, I had dedicated extra effort to understanding the language’s grammar, syntax, and literature. The question paper encompassed a variety of topics, from declensions to comprehension passages and verses from ancient texts. I approached each question with a focused mindset, ensuring I applied the correct rules of grammar and interpretation. Although Sanskrit was a subject I had to work harder on, I put in my best effort to provide accurate and well-explained answers. Overall, I felt a sense of accomplishment in completing the Sanskrit exam, knowing that I had made progress in this ancient language.


The board exam experience as a Hindi medium student was both challenging and rewarding. I faced each subject with determination, utilizing my preparation and knowledge to the best of my abilities. Though there were moments of nervousness and difficulty, I remained focused and persevered. The exams not only tested my academic knowledge but also assessed my ability to express myself in writing. As I await the results, I am hopeful that my efforts and dedication will be reflected in a positive outcome, paving the way for a bright future ahead.

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