10 Best Zoho Integrations to Enhance the Productivity

Many business applications are available today that help businesses. These applications ensure that the workflow is steady and the Productivity is constant. For any business, work needs to be done in a way that is to the point. Zoho is a great tool that has had many businesses. What exactly is Zoho? Zoho is a suite of various business applications. These applications help the teams to enhance their productivity. Zoho as a tool has been quite helpful.

It offers many features such as allocation of tasks, automated workflow, tracking of the time, and progress. With Zoho’s integrations, work gets much better as it enables smooth collaboration and workflow, and this is great for the productivity of the teams. Zoho has become the go-to option for various businesses because of similar reasons.

10 Best Zoho Integrations to Enhance the Productivity

  • 10 Best Zoho Integrations to Enhance the Productivity
  • 1. Native Zoho Apps
  • 2. Google Apps
  • 3. Microsoft Apps
  • 4. Slack Integration
  • 5. Workflow Apps
  • 6. Zapier
  • 7. Zoho Flow
  • 8. Gmail
  • 9. Office 365
  • 10. Zoho Invoice
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs – 10 Best Zoho Integrations to Enhance the Productivity

10 Best Zoho Integrations to Enhance the Productivity

Zoho helps in various ways. It is a suite and all of the offerings that it offers are unique and very helpful. There are many ways in which Zoho can help in enhancing the Productivity of the team.

1. Native Zoho Apps

Zoho has an inbuilt set of tools. These tools offer a great and central ecosystem experience. This way, all the Zoho’s in-built suite of tools provides a centralized ecosystem experience¹. This allows for seamless integration between different Zoho applications, enhancing data synchronicity and collaboration.


  • It has a Centralized ecosystem
  • It also offers Seamless integration
  • Has an enhanced data synchronicity.


  • Streamlined workflow
  • Great for the collaboration
  • Great user experience.


  • Offers Limited customization
  • It has a heavy dependency on a single provider, that is the platform of Zoho
  • Doesn’t work outside Zoho

Price: Standard (₹800), Professional (₹1400) Enterprise (₹2400)

Link: https://www.zoho.com/en-in/crm/

2. Google Apps

Google Apps such as Google Drive, Sheet and Doc are quite popular for the productive work that it provides. Zoho easily integrates with many of these Google tools. This allows tye data management and collaboration easily which results in greater productivity by team and individuals.


  • It is quite popular and stable productivity option
  • It easily integrates with Zoho
  • Has great options when it comes to data management


  • Has a simple user interface
  • Has a wide range of tools
  • It is reliable and secure


  • It has some Privacy concerns
  • It requires internet connection
  • Has a limited offline functionality.

Price: Free

Link: https://www.google.com

3. Microsoft Apps

Just like the Google apps, Microsoft apps are again quite popular. Zoho Projects can easily integrate with various Microsoft applications. This ensures that the data is managed nicely and this enhances the team productivity.


  • Has industry standard productivity tools
  • Very quick integration with Zoho
  • Great to enhance team productivity.


  • It has comprehensive suite of tools
  • It is reliable and secure
  • Best option for businesses.


  • It can be expensive for smaller businesses
  • Has a different learning experience
  • New features requires frequent updates

Price: Same as Zoho enterprise

Link: https://www.zoho.com/microsoft365/

4. Slack Integration

Zoho Projects can also be integrated with Slack. Slack is a popular communication tool. When Zoho is integrated with it, this ensures that the communication among the team members is better and more smooth.


  • It easily Integrates with Slack
  • Great option for communication
  • Best for team collaboration.


  • Real-time communication
  • Eases the project management
  • Enhances team productivity


  • It requires Slack subscription
  • Has a limit when it comes to text-based communication
  • Can cause information overload

Price: Same as Zoho versions

Link: https://help.zoho.com/portal/en/kb/projects/integration/other-apps/articles/slack-integration

5. Workflow Apps

Zoho Projects also supports various workflow apps. These apps help in the automation of repetitive tasks. This helps to synchronize data across different systems. This in the end, enhances the collaboration among team members.


  • It supports automation
  • Has a feature of Synchronizing data
  • Best for enhancing the efficiency of collaboration.


  • It reduces repetitive tasks
  • It Improves efficiency
  • Has customizable workflows


  • It Can be very complex to set up
  • Needs technical knowledge
  • Has high chances of errors

Price: Standard (₹800), Professional (₹1400) Enterprise (₹2400)

Link: https://www.zoho.com/en-in/crm/

6. Zapier

Zapier is another workflow software that works for automation. This helps to connect apps and moves information between them automatically automating makes various tasks much easier.


  • High level automation
  • Easy and quick to learn interface
  • Helps in team management


  • Automates tasks by connecting apps and moving information between them
  • Saves time and increases efficiency
  • App integrations available.


  • May require technical knowledge to set up complex workflow
  • Some integrations may not work smoothly
  • Can be expensive


  • Basic workflow is free
  • Professional at ₹1693 per month

Link: https://zapier.com/apps/zoho-crm/integrations

7. Zoho Flow

Another great tool is Zoho Flow. This automation tool also integrates with Zoho Projects. It automates data from many other cloud apps.


  • One of the best options of data transfer
  • It is great when it comes to integration with Zoho Projects
  • Has an advance Cloud app integration


  • Has great workflow automation
  • Best for innate app integration
  • Great when it comes to task scheduling.


  • It easily integrates with Zoho Projects
  • Great option for data transfer between apps
  • Has a very nice interface


  • It has limited integrations compared to other options
  • Needs good technical knowledge to set up
  • Has glitches and bugs

Price: Same as Zoho versions

Link: https://www.zoho.com/en-in/crm/

8. Gmail

Gmail is a popular option as an add-on to Zoho. This allows you to add tasks to the software like emailing, drafting, scheduling, etc.


  • One of the most popular and secure email services
  • Has the option of task addition to Zoh
  • Works best with other Google services


  • It is popular and widely used
  • It allows adding tasks to Zoho
  • Works well with other Google services


  • It has limited customization.
  • Privacy concerns due to data collection by Google
  • Not the best when it comes to handling spams

Price: Free

Link: https://help.zoho.com/portal/en/kb/crm/integrations/zoho/zoho-mail/articles/gmail-crm-integration

9. Office 365

If the company uses an office suite, then using an office suit is another great option to consider. With Zoho, you have all your office tools at one place connected with Zoho.


  • Has all the office tools in one place
  • Nice integration with Zoho
  • Offers cloud storage


  • It is a suite of office tools.
  • Offers quick Integration with Zoho
  • Very easy user interface


  • It can be expensive for small businesses
  • It needs subscription for all the features
  • Many features may be complex for new users

Price: ₹6199 per year

Link: https://www.zoho.com/crm/office-365-integration.html

10. Zoho Invoice

Zoho Projects can be integrated with Zoho Invoice. This allows for better financial management and enhances team productivity.


  • Best option for Zoho fof invoice generation
  • Integrates well with other Zoho Projects
  • Detailed financials


  • It works best with Zoho Projects for better financial management.
  • Makes the work of team easy and enhances team productivity
  • Very User-friendly interface


  • Limited customization
  • Has bugs and glitches
  • May lag on many systems

Price: Same as Zoho

Link: https://www.zoho.com/in/invoice/help/integrations/


Zoho’s integration is all about offering enhanced team production methods. By connecting Zoho with other products, a company or a business or an individual can do their work all in a streamline manner. These integrations offers quick execution of the task and saves a lot of time which ultimately is very beneficial for the businesses.

FAQs – 10 Best Zoho Integrations to Enhance the Productivity

Can Zoho integrate with other business software?

Yes, Zoho can integrate with various popular business tools like Google Apps, Microsoft Apps, Slack, Zapier, and more.

How does Zoho enhance team productivity?

It enhances team productivity by offering features such as task allocation, tracking and the recording of project progress, and tools for team collaboration.

Can Zoho Projects be integrated with email applications?

Yes, Zoho Projects can be integrated with email applications like Gmail. This makes the email appear in one place in Zoho.

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