How to Use Evernote for Enhancing Task Efficiency

As a student or as a professional we all are in constant search of an application that caters to our needs all at one common platform. We require various tools that can enhance our task efficiency constantly. Various applications claim to have multiple organizational features that may improve our efficiency. But the one that stands out is Evernote.

Evernote in simple words is a task management application that can be used for several purposes. You can use Evernote for project management, to take notes, organize content, manage various tasks, and for many other reasons. All these make Evernote a professional choice. Here are some tips that can help you use Evernote to enhance task efficiency.

How to Use Evernote for Enhancing Task Efficiency

  • How to Use Evernote for Enhancing Task Efficiency
  • 1. Personalized Template
  • 2. Bookmarking Web Pages
  • 3. Reminder Notes
  • 4. Meeting / Lecture Notes
  • 5. Easy Search Feature
  • 6. Easy Sharing Options
  • 7. Using Tags for Organization
  • 8. Customizing Buttons
  • 9. Digital Sticky Notes – Scratch Pad
  • 10. Adding Media Files
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs – How to Use Evernote for Enhancing Task Efficiency

How to Use Evernote for Enhancing Task Efficiency

This application is a hidden gem and can boost your task productivity. It has a really simple user interface and anyone can get a grasp of it easily. It includes perfect organization tools that can be used to handle large data simply. Along with data organization, note-making is also a highlighting feature. All these, when used smartly, can act in your favor and enhance your task efficiency. Let us dig deep and unlock the never-experienced power of this tool.

1. Personalized Template

You must have heard of templates before. They are predefined styles and formats that can be used by any user to simplify their work. But the feature that makes Evernote stand out is that it allows you to create personalized templates. You can save a reusable note template that best suits your needs. This will save you from a lot of time and hassle.

You can now directly select your predefined template and start your work without wasting much time on formatting. This will boost your productivity and help you work on your notes better in a certain way you prefer. It takes the load off of note-taking so you can focus on jotting down content without worrying about how to lay it all out.

2. Bookmarking Web Pages

We surf across various websites each and every day for either work related tasks or personal interests. The large amount of content we consume daily makes it a huge challenge to manage and save all the information at a place.

You can use Evernote to save your web clippings. You can save your inspirations and research works all at one place without worrying about losing them. Now you can easily access them all at one place and take reference easily. This makes the research process simpler and more effective. And hence enhancing your tasks efficiency to a great extent.

3. Reminder Notes

With all the hectic schedules we might often forget to complete our tasks. Gone were the days when you had to put an alarm on your phone to remedy yourself about a specific task. With Evernotes reminder feature you just need to click on the alarm clock icon and add the due date if you require it and you would be automatically reminded to finish your work. What’s great about this feature is you can opt to receive notifications about important to-dos across different devices. You can also choose to get an email whenever the remainder is set. This will help you enhance tasks efficiency.

4. Meeting / Lecture Notes

Whether you are in a meeting or in an ongoing lecture it is super hard to jot down notes simultaneously. But Evernote is again there for your savior. You can enhance the efficiency of your task by using Evernote to make handwritten notes while in a meeting. You can also use their meeting note template. This will help you easily remember the key points of your meeting or the lecture. Evernote has its skitch feature for handwritten notes, it would surely not disappoint you once you start using it.

5. Easy Search Feature

One of the most tedious jobs is to find required data from your notes. This task becomes even more challenging when you only remember bits and pieces of what you are searching. But with Evernotes search feature you have a wide variety of options that can be used to search through your data.

You can search for note and notebooks by keywords, tags, notebooks, date created, media type, and so much more. This makes the task a lot simpler and you can easily find what you need. Evernote has its own advanced search syntax system that makes it even easier to find something.

6. Easy Sharing Options

Most of the time we are not working alone and a team is involved with us. Sharing data with various people can be a hectic task. But Evernote simplifies this problem and allows you to share a complete notebook with either a specific recipient or make the file public.With premium subscription users can also let the other person modify the notebook. This is very helpful while working in a team. It enhances tasks efficiency to a great extent. Now you can share your notes with multiple people easily.

7. Using Tags for Organization

When dealing with a huge amount of data, it becomes difficult to manage and organize them properly. Tags feature in the Evernote application can prevent this problem. You can give various tags to similar flies. You can also give multiple tags to a single file to identify them. After adding tags you can identify your required files uniquely, a hierarchical system is generated. Now your files are properly organized and you have enhanced task efficiency.

8. Customizing Buttons

Customization options always give the user more liberty to use the platform according to their requirements. Evernote provides various personalization options across the platform at various places. One of such features is customized buttons. On both Ios and Android you can customize the create button to your requirement. This allows easy access to any of the features you want to access. The platform offers 7 button styles each with its own features and integrations. It will also allow you to choose what each button does and in which order you want them. This will lead to an enhanced productivity.

9. Digital Sticky Notes – Scratch Pad

At various times we are required to note small details or ideas we get randomly. Evernote is the perfect platform to take these notes digitally. You can consider them as your digital post-it notes. You can later use them to make your final files. You can refer to them for ideas at the end of the day. It is a simple and effective way to note your ideas and inspiration you get throughout the day. This was you can use Evernote to enhance task efficiency.

10. Adding Media Files

Sometimes our notes and meeting plans are incomplete without images. Only few note taking applications offer addition of media to your notes. One such platform is Evernote. You can easily add media files along with text for your reference.It also lets you save and share other types of media such as photos and videos.

Another efficient feature of Evernote is that it lets you auto save media files including text or handwriting by scanning them. This makes your work super easy and you can understand things even better by seeing the media.


Evernote is a powerful tool when it comes to enhancing tasks efficiency. It offers a variety of great features that simplify your work. When used in the right way it can unlock new parameters of productivity. Irrespective of your professional field you can use Evernote to optimize your work.

It has features like personalized templates, web clipping tools, adding media files and easy sharing. This article includes various tips that you can use to enhance your tasks efficiency. Using these you can easily manage and organize your notes and also share them.

FAQs – How to Use Evernote for Enhancing Task Efficiency

What are the benefits of using Evernote?

Evernote offers a wide variety of features that you can use to your benefit. You can use Evernote to manage projects, Organize data and manage tasks and reminders. Other than this there are various other tasks which can be fulfilled using the application.

Why is Evernote helpful for students?

Students can use Evernote to effectively make digital notes. They can sort their various subjects using different notebooks and tags. They can also share complete notebooks with each other.

How does Evernote help researchers?

Researchers can use Evernote in research work. They can use it as a note making platform, they can also use it to save web clippings to save ideas and inspirations at one place.

How do I organize my Evernote better?

You can organize your evernotes better by using various notebooks for different topics. You should also use various tags to manage the notes properly.

What are the best features of Evernote?

There are various useful features included within Evernote application. Some of the best features are web clipping options and custom template options.

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