ZS Associates – Software Engineer (Applications) Position

Round 1: A single code was asked to be written online in a span of 1 hour. The code was to find if two strings are anagrams of each other or not.

Round 2: Around 45 students were shortlisted for the technical round. Technical round was extremely vigorous and your basic OOPS concepts and data structure concepts will be tested.

I was asked the four pillars of OOPS and then to elaborate on them further. They also gave me multiple situations asking what kind of class I’d create in that situation. In depth knowledge of abstract classes, virtual classes, constructors etc required.

Then they gave me a problem statement in which I was to choose a proper data structure to store given information. This was especially hard as they drilled me about the complexity and how I’d reduce it.

After this I was given raw data and asked to design a database structure and to write a query specified by them.

Round 3: Third round was a case study round where we were given 3 problem statements and an hour to write pseudocode to solve the problems logically. After this the interviewer reviewed your logic and pointed out mistakes and you could also suggest better logic if you’ve come up with something else meanwhile.

Round 4: Final HR round was about background and why I’d stay in the company and what I’d like to do in the future. Pretty straight forward.

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