Zignex Interview Experience for SDE-1

There were around 700 students who enrolled (filled out the Google form for this company and uploaded their resumes).

Out of 700 around 300 resumes got shortlisted for round 1. The test link was sent to the email ids of the shortlisted candidates. The test was conducted online on a platform called TestGorilla Here is the link to that platform -> https://www.testgorilla.com/

There was a total of two Rounds and an online interview.

Round 1

There were total 5 sections

Section 1 – OOPS (MCQ)

  • There were 16 MCQs and 10 mins were given to answer these questions
  • There was no time limit for individual questions
  • There were basic questions on the concept of OOPS like exception handling, code debugging, the output of this code snippet,these types of questions were there.

Section 2 – Coding question (java)

coding question was of easy level. Only one logical question was there which was based on concepts of array and string.

Section 3 – Database(MCQ)

There were 16 MCQs and 10 mins were given to answer these questions

  • There was no time limit for individual questions
  • There was a question on RDBMS, cardinality, view serializability, keys, functional dependencies, and basic SQL queries

Section 4 – Typescript coding question

There was only one coding. We have to code that one in a typescript programming language. The problem was MagicalDrone. Here is the link to that question -> https://dev.to/vajin1125/magicaldrome-string-34f7

On the solution provided on that link only 2 test cases were passing.

Section 6 – Angular(MCQ)

Again there were 16 MCQs and 10 mins were given to answer these questions.There was no time limit for individual questions

There were basic questions on Angular like

  • What is the type of @Output() property
  • What comp lifecycle hook is called after ngOnChanges
  • What will be the output of Console.log(this.demoservice.name) output of this angular

that’s all that was in the last section

Round 2

There were total 5 sections, this was pretty similar to the previous was round

In this round there was no Java coding question, there was only one coding question on a typescript programming language which can be easily found on the internet.

There were questions about Java OOPs like error detection and output of code snippets, questions on DBMS,


  • they asked about the introduction
  • common DSA questions like searching sorting, SQL queries
  • and discussion on the project.

Verdict – not selected

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